WEEK OF DEC. 20, 2021
Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021
COVID 19 SERT Team Meeting
Thursday, Dec. 23 - 31, 2021
Winter Break - No school for students, teachers
Principal: Maria Tukeva
This week, the focus continues to be on the section of the mission which states, “We trust one another to continually improve our practices.”
As we head into the winter holidays, a time of joy and reflection, we find ourselves in a complex and conflicted time. We want to be joyous, and full of gratitude, however the reality of increasing COVID cases, and the subsequent impacts, always intrudes into our consciousness.
I know that many of you are concerned about the increase in cases, quarantining, and resulting staff and student absences. Please be assured that all school leaders in DCPS have been advocating for the past weeks, for virtual options, if cases surged. We have also been advocating for flexibility with scheduling, staggered scheduling, and other options to reduce the stress of covering for absent colleagues, and possibility of contagion. None of our suggestions or proposals have yet been accepted or approved, however we will continue to advocate.
With that context, our hopes for these last three days are to be as joyful and purposeful as possible, and to support ourselves, and our students. Grace and compassion are critical. First, I want to let all staff know how appreciated you are, with celebrations of holiday food on tomorrow morning for breakfast, and Tuesday afternoon for lunch. Of course, to maintain safety, staff will be able to take their food and grab and go. I know this is a small gesture, but please know that it has the genuine intention of bringing us together for camaraderie and supporting once another, especially since we were once again unable to have our traditional holiday party at Kenyon Street!
Second, in order to respond to the absences which may occur and to be strategic with the staff who are in the building, our plan for accommodating possible large numbers of students who have no teacher to cover, will be to create socially distanced spaces, where students can work on virtual assignments, with an adult staff person, whoever is available, to supervise.
Finally, starting this week and continuing after the break, we will strengthen our health and safety protocol enforcement. These strict boundaries will actually demonstrate our love and care for our students. Since we know that proper mask wearing is critical, any student who refuses to wear the mask properly, will be sent home, and parents notified. We have tried different approaches, and consistent redirection, however there are a number of students who consistently take their masks off after redirection, and these students will be sent home to learn virtually.
If you have other ideas or suggestions on how to maintain ourselves and our serenity for the next three days, as well as after our return, please share with your colleagues and the Administrative Team. Please remember, “We trust one another…” With this trust, we will be able to overcome any obstacle.
Thank you team, for being the amazing, caring and creative professionals you are. I am grateful every day to work with you. I am wishing you a safe, joyful and special winter holiday, and looking forward to a New Year full of promise, healing and possibility.
The COVID 19 SERT Team will meet again on Tuesday, December 21, at 3:45 in the High School Library and virtually..
Update on Testing and Cases:
There has been an uptick in cases, of both students and staff.
- We must continually reinforce proper wearing of masks – This week, we will send home any student who refuses to wear his or her mask properly.
- Limiting unnecessary passes for students is critical to limiting transmission. The Agenda book is the only pass, and it must be signed and dated.
- Kudos to the Arts Department for an amazing Winter Concert!
- Shout out to Ms. Nunez, the middle School SGA, and Middle School Admin Team and Staff for a wonderful Sports Day to celebrate students who have completed their focus areas! Focus Area completion surged last week!
- Shout out to Ms. Savage, the Counselors and Ms. Rosa for FAFSA night!!
- Shout out to all who have supported WIDA model Testing! We are almost there!
- Shout out to all teachers and staff who have been covering classes!
- Kudos to the Ops Team, Admin Team and Dean Team for their coordination of COVID 19 testing, contact tracing, and prevention!
Columbia Heights Education Campus’s great teachers deserve to be recognized! We’re proud to partner with Honored Schools again this year to do just that! Go to HonoredSchools.org to tell Columbia Heights Education Campus teachers how they’ve made a difference. Please share this with parents and students! Once recognized, teachers get an email with your recognition story and we’ll celebrate them! Last year our very own Ms. Ramirez won the Life-Changing Teacher Award and a $5,000 cash award!
Week 7 of Advisory 2
We are now entering the seventh week of the second advisory. Upon our return, we will have just three weeks until Portfolio presentations. Since students should be well into their GRASPS, it is recommended to build in class time in for peer review and revision of the GRASPS. Please provide students with guidance on how they can continue to work on their GRASPS during the holidays, and also provide recommended holiday time reading and practice work.
Instructional Calendar
The Instructional Calendar is a living document that houses all the major curricular requirements, assessments, and schoolwide events. The Instructional Calendar is complete for the moment, however changes may be made and will be noted. If you have any requests for additions to the Instructional Calendar, please contact Mr. Magee, peter.magee@k12.dc.gov, or your SLC Administrator.
Dr. Brown's Senior Capstone Class
Apply by Monday, December 13th for the SEAD Fellowship. The Academic Innovations team is launching a social-emotional academic development (SEAD) Fellowship for K-12 teachers. Teachers will learn how to meaningfully incorporate SEAD design into their unit plans and instructional pedagogy by participating in professional learning opportunities and a SEAD PLC from December-April. Teachers will implement their revised SEAD units and receive instructional coaching and feedback. Participants will earn PLUs for their time as well as a stipend of $1250 upon the completion of the Fellowship and implementation of SEAD unit. This is a natural extension of your work as CI Fellows and we hope to work more deeply with this new PLC! Kick-Off is December with the Fellowship taking place January-April 2022. Email me or Madison Kantzer, CC’d here, with any questions!
Dear Maria Tukeva,
As we come to the end of 2021, I kindly ask that you forward the following opportunity to your teachers. George Mason University is currently accepting applications for the Learning Technology in Schools Master’s Degree (30 credits) and graduate certificate (15-18 credits) to start spring semester (Jan 24). The program is designed to help teachers navigate and lead during this time of change. Specifically, we focus on developing the skills PK-12 teachers need to thrive in blended, online, and/or technology-infused teaching environments. The graduate program is teacher-friendly with projects that are directly applicable to teachers’ current context. We also offer tuition discounts for educators (approximately 15% for in-state and 40% for out-of-state tuition).
- Program website: http://bit.ly/MasonLTS
- Program flyer: http://bit.ly/ltsflyer
Teachers can email me (jborup@gmu.edu) if they’d like to learn more about the program. They can also schedule a one-on-one Zoom meeting with me using this calendar: https://doodle.com/mm/jeredborup/book-a-time
I hope you will share these opportunities with your teachers. Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or requests. You can also email me if you wish not to receive emails from me in the future.
Jered Borup
Jered Borup, Associate Professor
jborup@gmu.edu : 703.993.3137
Division of Learning Technologies
College of Education and Human Development
My Students
I teach a strong and resilient group of 9th-12th graders at a public high school in Washington DC. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds, with several learning English as a Second Language. Despite the many socio-economic barriers my students face, which are further amplified by the current COVID-19 pandemic, they arrive at school every day eager to learn. My students love to learn Biology concepts such as genetics, cells, and ecology with a hands-on approach to labs and lessons. My hope is to inspire more of my students to seek STEM careers. As a graduate of the same high school and as a science teacher I feel the weight of responsibility to demonstrate to my students what is possible in the science fields at a time where Black and Hispanic students in STEM are still critically underrepresented at the college and career level
My Project
I remember using a lab coat for the first time my freshman year of college, and it felt very transformative as I was finally able to actually FEEL like a scientist. I hope that my students will be able to feel the same way as early as 9th grade. Several of my lab experiments already require personal protective equipment such as googles, masks, and gloves, and lab coats will provide that extra layer of protection for my students while also fulfilling the look of aspiring scientists. The lab coats will be a staple in every lab experiment and will provide an extra boost of confidence and protection while conducting biology and chemistry experiments.
My Students
My students attend a 6th through 12th grade, educational campus. As a result we as teachers get to know them really well. My students all come from low income homes and 44% are English language learners. I am a special education teacher and I serve all students including the 23% with identified disabilities. My students are mathematicians in the making! They love to apply problem solving skills to their classroom work. Additionally, they can use mathematical discourse to converse and determine best approaches to solve complicated real world problems. My students are disrupting assumptions about students in their socioeconomic situation. With the right resources they can reach incredible heights.
My Project
My students all come from low income households and many of their families cannot purchase the calculators they require for math class this year. Access to a scientific calculator will open up a whole new world of mathematics for my students. I am a special education teacher and teach students with disabilities how to do grade level math work. Having access to the required calculator for the course empowers students who have excellent problem solving skills overcome their deficits in calculation skills. Please help me open up the wonderful world of mathematics to students who have previously thought they couldn't be good at math.
My Students
Interculturality is one of the goals of our school. That is why we receive students from different countries who belong to very different cultures every year. Most of the teenagers who take my class are students who have just arrived in the country from Central America. Students who are beginning to get in touch with the standards of our school district, with English, and with a new society. On top of that, many have been exposed to an interrupted education, resulting in their learning abilities being affected and making it difficult for them to focus in science classes. In short, too many factors that hinder their learning and that require additional support to allow them to be successful in their education.
My Project
My students are full of good intentions and a desire to learn, but sometimes a video or a simple text is not enough to help them understand the mysteries of life or the matter surrounding us. With the help of a 3D printer, a world full of possibilities opens up to us. We could create models to understand better the metabolisms of the cell, the importance of the structure of DNA, or the different parts of an atom. Without a doubt, you could help them learn by playing and not just explaining, telling them. If the technology exists, why not use it to sow the seeds of our students' dreams?
My Students
My students are predominantly black and brown students who require services in order to thrive in the general education classroom. They are kind, hard working, and genuine kids who are committed to their learning, and I would love to be able to gather enough materials in order be able to fully support their education to the best of my ability.
My Project
These whiteboards are needed for me to teach small group lessons. My students require small group instruction in order to access the general education curriculum successfully. It is my goal to provide equitable education to my underrepresented students so that they can prosper in their futures.In order for me to do so, I will need the materials I am requesting. Currently, I am a special education teacher who pushes into three different general education math classrooms in order to provide services for my students, which is why I need three white boards in order to be able to successfully provide the same services across all three of my classes.
My Students
My students are some of the most resilient people I have ever met. Many of them have fled their home country because of violence, political corruption, and poverty. All my students are English language learners and some have experienced interrupted education. However, they do not let their current or past struggles get in the way of pursuing a better future for themselves and their families. My students invest time in their education. They stay after school, come to school on Saturdays, and even come in the summer just so they can catch up to the rest of their peers. The adversity my students face is not that of a typical teenager, especially in the current political climate; however, their passion and perseverance is truly inspiring.
My Project
I teach math to students who are newcomers to the United States. My course does not have a written curriculum, so for the past few years, I have been creating my own curriculum to ensure all my students are ready for Geometry next year. This year has been especially difficult. Not only do I have students with interrupted education from a young age, but I have students who were not able to access online learning in their home countries during the pandemic. We are facing large educational gaps in the classroom, and I am in need of supplemental support to help bridge those gaps. Thankfully, there are many teachers across the country facing the same issues who have created awesome resources for students. Having access to these materials with TPT gift cards will help me do more intentional differentiation while focusing my curriculum time in implementing the common core standards my students need to learn this year.
Schedule Library Visits and Collaborations
Email angela.falkenberg@k12.dc.gov or call extension 4018 to schedule Library Visits and/or lesson collaborations. These collaborations include co-teaching, resource curations, reading promotions, GRASP assistance, etc.
Angela Falkenberg
Columbia Heights EC - Lincoln MS
School Librarian, M.Ed
Athletics are an integral part of the educational program and a means to accomplish the goals of education. Our athletic program exists for the welfare of students and the contributions it makes to their educational experience. Athletic participation builds self-esteem and confidence and provides the necessary tools for success. The interaction between individuals on the fields of sport teaches students the value of teamwork, while developing the proper competitive spirit, combined with a sense of fairness.
The middle school boys and girls basketball teams defeated Cardozo but lost to Brookland. The JV boys basketball team defeated Anacostia and Kipp but lost to Wilson and Ballou. The varsity girls basketball team lost to Wilson, Anacostia, Ballou, and Kipp. The varsity boys basketball team defeated Anacostia but lost to Wilson, Ballou and Kipp.
The middle school boys and girls basketball teams defeated Cardozo but lost to Brookland. The JV boys basketball team defeated Anacostia and Kipp but lost to Wilson and Ballou. The varsity girls basketball team lost to Wilson, Anacostia, Ballou, and Kipp. The varsity boys basketball team defeated Anacostia but lost to Wilson, Ballou and Kipp.
JVBB: 3 - 3
VGB: 3 - 5
VBB: 6 - 3
Bowling: 0 - 0
BB: 1 - 3
GB: 1 - 3
VBB vs. Banneker at Banneker @ 5:00
VBB vs. Banneker at Banneker @ 7:00
No Games
JVBB vs. Bard at CHEC @ 4:00
VBB vs. Bard at CHEC @ 6:00
No Games
No Games
No Games
To participate in sports, including tryouts, students must complete participation paperwork and upload their physical via https://www.thedciaa.com/participation-forms. Additionally, all student-athletes, who are older than 12, must be vaccinated by November 1st to begin or continue to participate in sports. Anyone with questions, should contact the CHEC athletic director, Coach A in room D236, or via email at desmond.alexander@k12.dc.gov . Winter sports practice begins November 1st.
Winter sports include:
Middle School
Boys Basketball - Coach Edmonds (lionel.edmonds@k12.dc.gov)
Cheerleading - Coach Wright (aaliyahwright88@gmail.com)
Girls Basketball - Coach Hanlon (constance.hanlon@k12.dc.gov)
Swimming - TBD
Wrestling - Eduardo Reyes (eduardo.reyes@k12.dc.gov)
High School
Bowling - Coach Ferguson (mya.ferguson@k12.dc.gov)
Cheerleading - Coach Wright (dionnewright02@gmail.com)
JV boys - Coach Joyner (jason.joyner@k12.dc.gov)
Swimming - Coach Allen (reiss.allen@k12.dc.gov)
Varsity Boys Basketball - Coach Cook (rodney.cook@k12.dc.gov)
Varsity Girls Basketball - Coach Ficklin (rodricus.ficklin@k12.dc.gov)
Wrestling - Coach Alvarado (kenrry.alvarado@k12.dc.gov)