Additional photos by Katerin Ayala
Happy Halloween
Native American History Month Begins
SLC Morning Meeting
SLC Meeting – 8:00 – 8:30 am
Departmental Planning Period Meeting
XQ Redesign Celebration Dinner- 5:30 pm
Departmental Planning Period Meeting
Faculty Meeting 3:30 pm
Senior Convocation 10:00 am
Principal: Maria Tukeva
OCTOBER 31, 2022:
This week’s focus is on the phrase from the Mission,
We trust one another to continually improve our practices.
It’s hard to believe, but the First Advisory ends this week! As a learning community, we reflect every nine weeks on our progress, through Portfolio Presentations. These presentations are designed to be a celebration and reflection on learning. Students are able to “own their learning” by sharing their work on projects they have been working on all advisory. They make connections with the learning standards, and share what they are proud of, and what they are still working on. We invite parents to join us for portfolio presentations, so they can give us feedback on our curriculum and instruction process. Teachers and colleagues are able to find connections across and between disciplines, as they visit each other’s portfolio presentations. The portfolio process is intended to be one that will help us continually improve our practices and curriculum, by getting feedback from students, parents and colleagues.
As part of our Redesign journey to a more choice based model of project based learning, we would like to reflect on the first advisory portfolios through the lens of student voice and choice, and the extent to which projects help students see interdisciplinary connections. Instead of listening for the “right” answer during the presentations, let’s listen for what students find interesting, compelling, provocative, and engaging. Let’s listen to their successes and challenges, so that we can continually improve this process for students.
We congratulate all students and teachers on their work so far this year, and for their willingness to share and talk about their work, and we invite and encourage all parents to join us for portfolio presentations and give their ideas and recommendations.
Thank you team, for all you do!
Shout out to all Redesign Team and Innovation Team members! Last week, we launched two Innovation Teams – Food Equity and Interdisciplinary Projects/International Travel. Each team has about 12 members, including teachers, students and parents. We meet every Tuesday in our newly redesigned XQ Redesign Room – E125. In the process of prototyping, we are actually prototyping an interdisciplinary project. There is a Big Idea Template, GRASPS, and rubric for the prototypes, and we will display them in a Community Wide Gallery Walk on December 20th. We will be making videos of our team sessions, to be shared with the school community.
As a school in the Cultivation Track, we will develop an action plan for this year, which will involve the prototyping of some of our quick win innovations. We will also continue building our Design Thinking muscles by developing a school wide approach to teaching design thinking to all students and staff.
This week, on Wednesday, November 2nd, there will be a celebratory dinner hosted by DCPS and XQ for all participating team members!
For attendance at Focus Groups or with Innovation Team meetings held after school we will offer Admin Premium, and up to 20 students who participate in the Innovation Teams will receive a $200 stipend and Community Service hours. Please speak with your students, and find students who would like to become involved in the design of one or more of the innovations.
If you are already implementing something in your practice or curriculum this year, that you think reflects the two big ideas, we would like to highlight them. Please send a description of your innovation or shift, and we will highlight it in the bulletin. If you are interested in one of the innovations, please contact Maria Tukeva, Principal, Ms. Krishunda Penn Pearson, Redesign Director, your SLC Administrator, or any member of the XQ Redesign Team. Please join the Redesign Team, and please reach out to interested students or parents!
It is our priority to get technology into the hands of all students as soon as possible. Please advise your SLC Administrator if you have any students who need technology.. Please advise your SLC Administrator if you have any students who need technology. Please see your SLC Administrator for questions and concerns. Thank you for supporting this process!
- Shout out to Mr. Diaz, Dr. Barnett, Mr. Onley, Mr. Jacobs, Ms. Menendez, Mr. Navas, Dayra Flores, Keidy Caneza, and all who made the Hispanic Heritage Assembly a great success!
- Kudos to Middle School Counselors, Ms. Marshall, Ms. Martinez, Mr. Hardy, and Ms. Kahasay for initiating and facilitating the Red Ribbon week activities!
- Shout out to Dr. Emilius and Ms. Vialpando for facilitating a discussion of PD at our ALT Team! Kudos to Mr. Galvan for chairing the meeting!
- Kudos to all members of the XQ Team for working on our two Innovation Teams!
- Shout out to the Culture Team for our Incentive Friday!
Week 10 of Advisory 1
It is the last week of the Advisory, and our culminating event is our Portfolio Presentation Process. Portfolios are a celebration of learning, a reflection, and a time to have student voice and choice elevated in the class. The academic discourse should be driven by students, as they reflect on what they have learned and decide what they want to learn next.
You can make portfolios a celebratory and reflective experience by setting the tone as one of collaboration and excitement in learning. Please emphasize how the norms of Owning Your Learning, Respect and Empathy, Dependability and Digital Citizenship all come alive during Portfolio Presentations. Having a student serve as Process Observer of the norms and reflecting at the end of class is a great way to end the class and to get feedback on the Portfolio Process for Second Advisory.
All Departments should one of their departmental planning period meetings to visit the portfolio presentations of colleagues to get ideas for connections among disciplines.
Please reach out to SLC Administrators and Coaches for support and assistance.
New Section: The Whole Child
Hello CHEC Family,
I would like to share with you a tool that you can utilize, in your classroom, for the Whole Child Teacher implementation. You may also see, The Whole child concepts, on your canvas page, under the dashboard of DCPS Becoming School and Classroom Practice Tools. There are 9 core practices that are listed with the Wole Child concept under DCPS Becoming, where your dashboard is located.
The first tool that I would like to introduce you to, is the Whole-Child Design Blue Print. Whole-Child Design Blueprint. This link provides a framework for how to implement the Whole-Child Design. In your SLC's, if you would like to have further explanation about the Blue print, please fill out this google form Google From for Whole Child Survey , and we will get with your SLC administrator to see if we can visit during your SLC time to explain.
Thank you so much for your time.
Angenette Planter
Environmental Science Teacher
To Live, To Learn, To Love!
Instructional Calendar
The Instructional Calendar is a living document that houses all the major curricular requirements, assessments, and schoolwide events. The Instructional Calendar is complete for the moment, however changes may be made and will be noted. If you have any requests for additions to the Instructional Calendar, please contact Mr. Magee,peter.magee@k12.dc.gov, maria.tukeva@k12.dc.gov or your SLC Administrator.
Please view the 22-23 CHEC Instructional Calendar here.
Assessment Corner
On the middle school side, preparations are being made for ANET 1 (ELA) which will take place on November 9th (followed by ANET 1 (math) on 11/17). Logistics are currently being ironed out and will be shared with the entire admin team in next week's 'Testing Corner'. In addition to ANET, we are also looking to administer the WIDA Model Screener during the last two weeks of November.
For high school, we administered make-up exams for both the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT this past week. A huge shoutout to Ms. Reza and Ms. Planter for proctoring make-ups. Each exam only had one student. That number will increase in future make-up sessions. While most high school ANETs won't be until the beginning of December, look out for Ms. Marlatt's and Mr. Gallion's classes to be taking ANET 1 (Algebra 2) in class next week. Because Algebra 2 is a semester course, they're on a different ANET schedule.
Professional Development
Our Shared Leadership Subcommittee on the ALT Team will be surveying staff and helping to develop a PD plan for the year.
The ALT Team will meet next week to follow up on our Professional Development Survey and to focus on MTSS.
Mosaic's third annual High School Playwriting Contest is underway! Students in grades 9-12 at public and charter schools in the Washington, DC metro area including, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, and Northern Virginia, are eligible to submit their play for the chance to receive a cash prize and have their plays read and directed by professional theater artists!
Winning plays will be read during a live presentation at the Petworth Branch of the DC Public Library on Saturday, January 21 at 2PM.
Submit your play by November 28 for consideration.
“If a flower doesn’t bloom, do you blame the flower or its environment?”
- Unknown
As we close out October and step into November, think about ways that you can add to the growth of others. What can you specifically contribute? Be intentional about the “seeds” you plant.
Good-bye October......
Tuesday is the first day of November is Tuesday! Please check out the National Awareness for November:
- Native American Heritage Month
- National Family Caregivers Month
- American Diabetes Month
- Lung Cancer Awareness Month
- Movember (Men's Health Awareness)
- Epilepsy Awareness Month
- National Adoption Month
- National Alzheimer's Disease Month
- Military Family Month
- Home Care, Hospice & Palliative Care Month
- Effective Tuesday, November 1st, students who arrive late to school will be required to complete “Attention Meetings” with a Dean before transitioning to class. Students will be given a late pass to confirm the completion of the meeting and to go to class. If a student arrives to first period late without a pass after 9 am, please direct them to the Model UN for “Attention”.
- Panorama Survey opens for students is open through November 4th. All PLT/Advisories should work on student completion daily! PLT/Advisories that complete that have 100% completion will have enter a raffle for a pizza party by grade level. Important Note Highlight the language dropdown on the survey-taking page. Panorama content is translated into a variety of languages, and students have the ability to select the language they want to complete the survey in.
Upcoming PBIS Incentives (Please note that this schedule is tentative and is subject to change at the discretion of Culture Team Leaders.)
10th - Staff vs. Student Basketball/Volleyball Game
30th – Skating*
2nd - Cell Phone and Games
16th – Field Trip
PBIS Reminders and Celebrations
Teacher All-Stars (1000 Interactions or Higher)
- Mya Ferguson
- Michael Shoenthal
Kickboard norms reminder
Currently, we have about 50% participation in staff rewarding students with Kickboard points. Let’s push to increase this next week. Remember, Kickboard helps to build positive classroom culture and should be integrated in your classroom incentives and norms.
- 15 interactions per class and 45 interactions per day
- DO NOT deduct student dollars
- Do not attempt to inflate the day of the incentive
- Use the first 15 and last 15 of class to give dollars
- Create in-class incentives (Do not deduct dollars)
* There were technical challenges with accessing the student of the week and month forms. Please continue to use the forms below to make your submissions. We appreciate your patience and participation and will resume acknowledgements in the next bulletin.*
Use the following forms for future submissions:
Student Support Forms:
Reminder: Please bookmark this link for future reference:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7kagKk6zM0qSt5md8rwKMlnJSbOnQ0xKsY-f39IrJ4ZUNTBDOE9aUDVXRkNNSUJLUjVUVTVSN09DWS4u
Additional Updates and Opportunities:
- Dean Iglesias is hosting meetings for the Middle School Student Leadership Team. Please see her if you are interested or to get more information.
October was also noted as “Principal Appreciation Month”. This week, to close October, the Culture Team would like to acknowledge Ms. Maria Tukeva, our fierce and ambitious Principal. Principal Tukeva, affectionately respected as “Ms. T” has served as the Founder and Leader of CHEC for more than 30 years.
CHEC (originally called the Multicultural Career Intern Program) was founded as an alternative school that started with 40 students. Ms. Tukeva recognized that children who were learning English faced academic challenges that put them at a disadvantage. Nonetheless, she set high expectations for her students and continues to push her students to reach their academic potential.
Today, Principal Tukeva, leads a staff of more than 200, supports a diverse student body of over 1500 and still strives to support the community of Colombia Heights with a robust academic program that includes arts, athletics, and vocational opportunities.
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” -John C. Maxwell.
Ms. T constantly supports the culture of our school with high standards, consistency, data-driven decisions, and most importantly EMPATHY. The Culture Team would like to thank Ms. Tukeva for all her sacrifices and contributions to CHEC and the community.
Athletics are an integral part of the educational program and a means to accomplish the goals of education. Our athletic program exists for the welfare of students and the contributions it makes to their educational experience. Athletic participation builds self-esteem and confidence and provides the necessary tools for success. The interaction between individuals on the fields of sport teaches students the value of teamwork, while developing the proper competitive spirit, combined with a sense of fairness.
BSOC: 2 – 2 – 2
GSOC: 0 – 5
VB: 5 – 2
BSOC: 6 – 6 – 2
FB: 9 – 1
GSOC: 6 – 4
VB: 12 – 4
The HS FB team defeated McKinley Tech. The HS soccer teams lost to SWW in the semifinals of the DCIAA Playoffs. The HS volleyball team defeated Roosevelt and McKinley Tech. High school volleyball playoffs take place this week. The middle school volleyball team defeated Jefferson. The MS girls soccer team finished its season with a win against Ida B. Wells. The MS boys soccer team finished its season with a loss to Ida B. Wells.
MS VB vs. Leckie at Stuart Hobson @ 5:00
HS VB vs. Dunbar at Jackson Reed @ 5 (DCIAA Quarterfinals)
MS VB vs. Deal at Deal @ 5:30
HS VB Playoffs con’t at TBD @ TBD
No Games
HS VB Championship at CHEC @ 1
To participate in sports, including tryouts, students must complete participation paperwork and upload their physical via https://www.thedciaa.com/participation-forms. Anyone with questions, should contact the CHEC athletic director, Coach A in room D236, or via email at desmond.alexander@k12.dc.gov.
Fall sports include:
Middle School
Girls Basketball: Coach Constance Hanlon (constance.hanlon@k12.dc.gov)
Indoor Track: Coach Burnett (helena.burnett@k12.dc.gov)
Wrestling: Coach Alvarado (kenrry.alvarado@k12.dc.gov)
High School
Cheerleading: Coach Dionne Wright (dionnewright02@gmail.com)
Boys Indoor Track: Coach Robinson (markblaytonrobinson@gmail.com)
Girls Indoor Track: Coach Pinto (miguel.pinto@k12.dc.gov)
JV Boys Basketball: Coach Joyner (jason.joyner@k12.dc.gov)
Varsity Boys Basketball: Coach Edmonds (lionel.edmonds@k12.dc.gov)
Varsity Girls Basketball: Coach Ficklin (rodricus.ficklin2@k12.dc.gov)
Swimming: Coach Allen: (reiss.allen@k12.dc.gov)
Wrestling: Coach Alvarado (kenrry.alvarado@k12.dc.gov)
Desmond Alexander, CAA
Athletic Directo.
Columbia Heights Educational Campus
Bell/Lincoln Multicultural Schools
(202)939-7700 Ext: 5207 (office)
(202)576-9147 (fax)