SLC Morning Meeting
ALT Team Meeting 3:30 pm
SLC Meeting – 8:00 – 8:30 am
Departmental Planning Period Meeting
Departmental Planning Period Meeting
Hispanic Heritage Assembly for Middle School
Grade 6............9am
Grades 7/8......1:00pm
Hispanic Heritage Assembly for High School
Grades 9/11............9am
Principal: Maria Tukeva
OCTOBER 24, 2022:
This week’s focus is on the phrase from the Mission,
We trust one another to continually improve our practices.
Last week’s Focus Group Sessions on the proposed Impact Revision Process provided great insights into how the observation and evaluation process is being experienced, and provided many opportunities for us to improve the process, increase satisfaction with support and feedback provided, and build communication and trust. Because the sessions were so helpful, we will offer them periodically throughout the year, to keep the communication open. The main takeaway is the need to build trust and to have a process with more informal checkpoints and opportunities to communicate, so that formal observations are not experienced as one time event that carries inordinate weight without the context of what is happening day to day.
As a learning community, and as Designers of our Learning, the same principles of communication, clear feedback, and multiple opportunities for success, should be present for students as well as staff.
We are committed to using the principles of user feedback, empathy, and design to build processes that are truly focused on learning.
Some of the comments and suggestions are included here..
Shout out to all Redesign Team members! Last week, we received feedback on our application, and the areas where more work should be focused this year. Some of the feedback was helpful in guiding our work, and it was shared with the entire team in our meeting last Wednesday. The innovation teams will incorporate elements of the selection panel feedback into their prototype planning, using it as an additional data point.
As a school in the Cultivation Track, we will develop an action plan for this year, which will involve the prototyping of some of our quick win innovations. We will also continue building our Design Thinking muscles by developing a school wide approach to teaching design thinking to all students and staff.
This week, on Monday October 24, there will be a celebratory dinner hosted by DCPS and XQ for the 12 original members of the team, who started working on the project last March. We will have our own full team Celebratory Dinner on Wednesday, November 2nd here at the school. All currently participating team members are invited!
We are launching two Innovation Teams this week who will develop prototypes for quick wins - the Food Equity Innovation Team, and the Interdisciplinary Project Innovation Team, which is merging with the International/Domestic Travel Team. For attendance at Focus Groups or with Innovation Team meetings held after school we will offer Admin Premium, and up to 20 students who participate in the Innovation Teams will receive a $200 stipend and Community Service hours. Please speak with your students, and find students who would like to become involved in the design of one or more of the innovations.
If you are already implementing something in your practice or curriculum this year, that you think reflects the two big ideas, we would like to highlight them. Please send a description of your innovation or shift, and we will highlight it in the bulletin. If you are interested in one of the innovations, please contact Maria Tukeva, Principal, Ms. Krishunda Penn Pearson, Redesign Director, your SLC Administrator, or any member of the XQ Redesign Team. Please join the Redesign Team, and please reach out to interested students or parents!
It is our priority to get technology into the hands of all students as soon as possible. Please advise your SLC Administrator if you have any students who need technology. Please see your SLC Administrator for questions and concerns. Thank you for supporting this process!
- Shout out to all who attended the Impact Revision Feedback Sessions! We had over 30 staff members attend!
- Shout out to Ms. Bryant and Ms. Massoni for coordinating the Career Symposium for Grades 6-12!
- Kudos to Ms. Savage and the College and Career Team for coordinating the College and Career Day!
- Shout out to Mr. Whitney, Dr. Jackson, the Hospitality Committee, Mr. Molina, Ms. Hogan, Coach Alexander, and all who coordinated Homecoming, including the Game, Senior Night, the Pep Rallies, and the Dance! It was a great celebration of School Spirit!
- Shout out to Mr. Schutt, Ms. Chiu and the Math Team for holding Instructional Walks and providing each other feedback!
- Kudos to Mr. Talarico for coordinating a visit of Finnish Principals to CHEC, and shout out to all who opened their classrooms to the visitors – Mr. Rahman, Mr. Chavez, Ms. Gutierrez, Mr. AbuSabha, Ms. Borrego, Ms. Charles, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Belser, Ms. Belton, Mr. Schroeder, Ms. Jones!
- Shout out to the chaperones at the Homecoming Dance – Superstars Mr. Whitney and Ms. Hogan! Pankaj, Ms. Thweatt, Mr. Jones, Mr. Galvan, Mr. Boone, Dr. Lainez, Mr. Hunter, and Ms. McCulloch!!!
- Kudos to Kapindi Kroma, the MCIP Board, Ms. Joseph, and all involved in our new 11th Grade Mentoring program!
- Shout out to Ms. Ramirez for working on the Design of our Acceleration Academy!
- Kudos to all members of the XQ Team for working on our Redesign and responding to the Feedback!
Week 9 of Advisory 1
In the ninth week of the school year, we should be preparing students for portfolio presentations, which will take place next week. As a preparation for portfolio presentations, students can present their first GRASPS to one another, and provide each other with feedback. Please remember to invite parents to the presentations using Remind or Kinvo!.
Please build the norms and have them come alive in our class. Having a student serve as Process Observer of the norms and reflecting at the end of class is a great way to end the class.
Please reach out to SLC Administrators and Coaches for support and assistance.
Instructional Calendar
The Instructional Calendar is a living document that houses all the major curricular requirements, assessments, and schoolwide events. The Instructional Calendar is complete for the moment, however changes may be made and will be noted. If you have any requests for additions to the Instructional Calendar, please contact Mr. Magee,peter.magee@k12.dc.gov, maria.tukeva@k12.dc.gov or your SLC Administrator.
Please view the 22-23 CHEC Instructional Calendar here.
Assessment Center
The week since our first major assessment of the year has provided time for some reflection on what worked well and what needs to be reconsidered. Materials were one of the big stressors/limiting factors - an order has been placed to bolster our supply for graphing calculators, dictionaries, and headphones. Having a dedicated testing supply should alleviate these kinds of concerns. In addition, attendance is something to be addressed. An essential question to be considered is, “How can we increase student awareness of the test?” The following was the participation rate by grade:
In the next two weeks we have PSAT/NMSQT make-ups - Tuesday (10/25) & Thursday 10/27 respectively - as well as our first ANET administration (11/3) of the year for the MS ELA team. Please look out for updates on planning for each in the coming days.
Professional Development
Our Shared Leadership Subcommittee on the ALT Team will be surveying staff and helping to develop a PD plan for the year.
The ALT Team will meet this week to follow up on our Professional Development Survey
During the week of October 24th- 28th CHEC will celebrate red ribbon week to honor our commitment to live drug free lives. During this time students and staff will participate in various drug free activities including a plt lesson, plt challenge and a spirit week. The theme this year is ‘Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free’. As a kickoff activity counselors and social workers have planned a plt door decorating challenge to promote the upcoming week of drug free activities. Our hope is that you decorate your door according to what the theme (Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free) means to your plt. The winner will receive a tasty treat. Please Decorate your doors by COB October 21st.
Please see below for a snapshot of our spirit week themes. More Information to come at SLC the week before. 😊
- Oct. 24st, Monday- “Put a Cap on Drugs Day”. Wear your favorite hat to symbolize being drug free.
- Oct. 25nd, Tuesday “Wear Red Day” Wear red to symbolize that they are drug free.
- Oct. 26rd, Wednesday “Shade out Drugs Day”. Wear your shades to show that you are drug free.
- Oct. 27th, Thursday “Dreaming of a Drug Free world.” Wear school appropriate pajamas and slippers to show that you are dreaming of a drug free world.
- Oct. 28th, Friday “Drugs are SCARY” wear school appropriate costumes to show you are drug free. *NO MASKS*
More Information to come at SLC the week before
Che’vaniece Marshall, NCC, LGPC
Professional School Counselor
8th Grade Caseload
My Project
Flexible seating allows students to take charge of their learning and make the choices that work best for them. During independent work times they choose a location in the classroom that works for them. Currently my students are choosing to work in a variety of locations in our room such as: at different tables, sitting under tables with clip boards, or sitting or laying on the floor with a clip board. Making sure students are comfortable is an essential component in motivating them. I have noticed amazing differences in my students when they are given a choice in their seating. They almost always make good choices about where they sit, are more engaged, and get more work completed than when they are just sitting at their desk. My students are noticeably more engaged in their work and less disruptive of their peers when they are given a choice of where to work.
Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion | TED
Panorama Survey opens for students opens on October 24th through November 4th. All PLT/Advisories should work on student completion daily! PLT/Advisories that complete that have 100% completion will have enter a raffle for a pizza party by grade level. Important Note : Highlight the language dropdown on the survey-taking page. Panorama content is translated into a variety of languages, and students have the ability to select the language they want to complete the survey in.
Red Ribbon Week
Below are activities for “Drug-Free Awareness Week” . Shout out to the Middle School Team for planning this awesome week to bring awareness.
If you have a concern about students engaged in bullying, please notify a Dean or your grade level Administrator immediately.
https://www.thehotline.org/ (Link to access the Hotline for Help and other resources.)
Here is a link for information about events in DC. https://dccadv.org/dvam/dvam-calendar/
Let’s support and bring awareness to Breast Cancer ALL Month wearing something PINK as often as possible!
Upcoming Friday PBIS Incentives (Please note that this schedule is tentative and is subject to change at the discretion of Culture Team Leaders.)
Our next Kickboard incentive will be Friday, October 28th (Sports Field Day and Competition/Movie in Auditorium $200)
10th - Staff vs. Student (Sprit Week)
30th – Skating
2nd - Cell Phone and Games
16th – Field Trip
PBIS Reminders and Celebrations
Teacher All-Stars (1000 Interactions or Higher)
- Christoper Zinzarella (1260)
- Omar Abusabha (1217)
- Dwight Simon (1136)
- Katelynn Reyes (1068)
- Latrice Quickley (1000)
Kickboard norms reminder
Currently, we have 60 % participation in staff rewarding students with Kickboard points. Let’s push to increase this next week. Remember, Kickboard helps to build positive classroom culture and should be integrated in your classroom incentives and norms.
- 15 interactions per class and 45 interactions per day
- DO NOT deduct student dollars
- Do not attempt to inflate the day of the incentive
- Use the first 15 and last 15 of class to give dollars
- Create in-class incentives (Do not deduct dollars)
* There were technical challenges with accessing the student of the week and month forms. Please continue to use the forms below to make your submissions. We appreciate your patience and participation and will resume acknowledgements in the next bulletin.*
Use the following forms for future submissions:
Student Support Forms:
Reminder: Please bookmark this link for future reference:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7kagKk6zM0qSt5md8rwKMlnJSbOnQ0xKsY-f39IrJ4ZUNTBDOE9aUDVXRkNNSUJLUjVUVTVSN09DWS4u
Additional Updates and Opportunities:
- Please also support our MIDDLE SCHOOL Volleyball and Soccer Teams!!! CHEC ATHLETIC SCHEDULE
- There is an ESSAY CONTEST with Cash Prizes up to $1,500!!! If you know a young lady between the ages of 13 and 18, and who is dealing with the challenge of growing up in a home without the presence of their biological father, then the DISCOVERING ME... WITHOUT YOU Personal Essay Contest for Teen Girls is an excellent opportunity for them to share their story. Please share this link with students who may be interested. https://www.estherproductionsinc.com/contest
- Dean Iglesias will begin meetings for the Middle School Student Leadership Team this Wednesday. Please see her if you are interested or to get more information.
This week the Culture Team would like to shine the spotlight on two CHEC Superstar Staff members Mr. Devin Whitney, Activities Coordinator, and Dr. Patrick Jackson, Director of Hospitality.
MR. WHITNEY (left) AND DR. JACKSON (right)
Mr. Whitney and Dr. Jackson recently planned an amazing week of activities for Homecoming, specifically the Pep Rallies and the Homecoming Dance for high school. Mr. Whitney and Dr. Jackson both support school culture in many ways behind the scenes with enthusiasm. Whether it be to help support an incentive event or a student in need, they are always willing to support. Thank you, Mr. Whitney and Dr. Jackson, for being a huge reason why our students enjoy CHEC.
Mrs. Monica Henderson
Dean of Students @ Bell Multicultural High School
Athletics are an integral part of the educational program and a means to accomplish the goals of education. Our athletic program exists for the welfare of students and the contributions it makes to their educational experience. Athletic participation builds self-esteem and confidence and provides the necessary tools for success. The interaction between individuals on the fields of sport teaches students the value of teamwork, while developing the proper competitive spirit, combined with a sense of fairness.
BSOC: 2 – 2 – 2
GSOC: 0 – 5
VB: 4 – 2
BSOC: 6 – 5 – 2
FB: 8 – 1
GSOC: 6 – 3
VB: 10 – 4
The HS FB team defeated Anacostia. The HS boys soccer team lost to St. Johns and Georgetown Day. The HS volleyball team defeated Cardozo and lost to Dunbar. The middle school volleyball team lost to Johnson. The MS girls soccer team lost to Hardy and Oyster Adams. The MS boys soccer team defeated MacFarland and tied Hardy. Playoffs take place this week for HS soccer.
HS GSOC vs. SWW at Spingarn @ 4:30 (DCIAA Playoff Semifinals)
MS VB vs. Jefferson at CHEC @ 5:30
HS BSOC vs. SWW at Spingarn @ 6:30 (DCIAA Playoff Semifinals)
MS XC Championships at Colmar Manor @ 1:00
HS VB vs. Roosevelt at Dunbar @ 5:00
MS VB vs. Browne at Johnson @ 4:30
HS GSOC Championship at Dunbar @ 5:00
HS BSOC Championship at Dumbar @ 7:00
HS XC Championships at Colmar Manor @ 1:00
MS GSOC vs. Ida B. Wells at Randall @ 3:$0
MS BSOC vs. Ida B. Wells at Randall @ 4:30
HS VB vs. McKinley Tech at HD Woodson @ 5:00
MS VB vs. Oyster Adams at Hardy @ 4:00
HS FB vs. McKinley Tech at McKinley Tech @ 1:00
To participate in sports, including tryouts, students must complete participation paperwork and upload their physical via https://www.thedciaa.com/participation-forms. Anyone with questions, should contact the CHEC athletic director, Coach A in room D236, or via email at desmond.alexander@k12.dc.gov.
Fall sports include:
Middle School
Girls Basketball: Coach Constance Hanlon (constance.hanlon@k12.dc.gov)
Indoor Track: Coach Burnett (helena.burnett@k12.dc.gov)
Wrestling: Coach Alvarado (kenrry.alvarado@k12.dc.gov)
High School
Cheerleading: Coach Dionne Wright (dionnewright02@gmail.com)
Boys Indoor Track: Coach Robinson (markblaytonrobinson@gmail.com)
Girls Indoor Track: Coach Pinto (miguel.pinto@k12.dc.gov)
JV Boys Basketball: Coach Joyner (jason.joyner@k12.dc.gov)
Varsity Boys Basketball: Coach Edmonds (lionel.edmonds@k12.dc.gov)
Varsity Girls Basketball: Coach Ficklin (rodricus.ficklin2@k12.dc.gov)
Swimming: Coach Allen: (reiss.allen@k12.dc.gov)
Wrestling: Coach Alvarado (kenrry.alvarado@k12.dc.gov)
Desmond Alexander, CAA
Athletic Directo.
Columbia Heights Educational Campus
Bell/Lincoln Multicultural Schools
(202)939-7700 Ext: 5207 (office)
(202)576-9147 (fax)