Naval Education and Training Command’s Rear Adm. Pete Garvin and Lieutenant Steven Nieto visit CHEC’S Navy JROTC program to speak about leadership, life in the navy and how to overcome challenges and transition from high school to a successful naval career
Indigenous Peoples' Day (School Closed)
SLC Morning Meeting
SLC Meeting – 8:00 – 8:30 am
XQ Redesign Meeting – 3:30 pm
College Career Symposium 6-10
College Fair – Grades 11 and 12
Homecoming Game and Pep Rally
Principal: Maria Tukeva
OCTOBER 17, 2022:
This week we celebrate Homecoming, with activities and traditions that celebrate our school, its students and staff, and alumni. This week, take a moment to recognize and celebrate one of the many alumni who work at CHEC –
- Victor Molina
- Shuk Kuen Chiu
- Evelyn Iraheta
- Eduardo Reyes
- Kennry Alvarado
- Lance Swinton
- Ismenia Garcia Carmona
- Heber Diaz
- Helena Burnett
- Jarmar Layne
- Fernando Arce
- Amy Eslava
- Carmen Bonilla
- Jeano Cymonisse
- Patricia Ortez Aparicio
- Jorge Escobar
- Shamia Wells
- Alexandra Hall
We also have at least 40 CHEC Alumni whose children are now students at CHEC! They are in all grades from six through 12.
Our mission as a school is to develop a community where all students can aspire to be members of our faculty and staff, and where graduates want their children to attend. In this way, we are building a pipeline of educators and students who are committed to the mission, vision and community. Thank you all CHEC Alumni!!!
Please check out the information on all of the activities and Spirit Week! Please come out and support our Sports Teams on Friday, and support the Homecoming Dance on Saturday night!
*Please refer to the flyer for detailed information*
Monday: Blast from the Past
Tuesday: Twin/Trio Day
Wednesday: CHEC Goes Pink
Thursday: Senior Citizen Day
Friday: REP YOUR CLASS COLOR (See flyer for grade level colors)
Tuesday-Thursday: Bully Prevention Activities
Thursday: Career Symposium/Career Fair (6th -10th Grade)
Friday: College & Career Fair (11th & 12th Grade)
Friday: Aux Cord Wars (During Lunch)
Friday: Game Day Pep Rally
Saturday: "Light Up the Night" Glow Party 7pm-11pm
This week’s focus is on the phrase from the Mission,
We trust one another to continually improve our practices.
The idea of “continually improving our practices, refers to a continual process of redesign. Although we have applied to be part of the XQ Redesign process, this process is something that must be a part of a collaborative culture, so that as a school we can focus on continual improvement. Redesign requires feedback and data. Twice a year, we seek out feedback on different areas of our school. Staff feedback is provided via the Insight Survey, and student feedback via the Panorama Survey. The results give us insights into areas of strength as well as areas and opportunities for growth. So far this year, as administrative team we have been digging into the data on how the observation and evaluation processes have viewed, and we have identified key growth areas, which have been described in our Redesign plan. Please see the invitations for Feedback sessions on the Redesign document, they are open to all.
The ALT team has reviewed data on Leadership and Professional Development, and has identified goals for the Comprehensive School Plan, specifically:
By June 2023, we will increase our leadership Insight Score from 3.4 to 5.0
- Sub- Goal: Increase the positive response rate to “Leaders at my school value feedback from teachers” and “Teachers understand how our actions contribute to school priorities and goals” (Target 65% of teachers agree or strongly agree, from 43% and 53%)
- Increase the participation of teachers in non-leadership roles (13%) that attend 60% of the ALT meetings and join at least one committee on ALT (Target by 50%)
By June 2023, we will increase our diversity, equity, and inclusion insight score from 4.7 to 6.5
- Sub-Goal: Increase the positive response rate to “My school retains teachers and leaders who reflect the demographic makeup of our student population” (Target 80% from 43%)
- Increasing the participation of non-instructional staff (16%) that attend 60% of the ALT team meetings and join at least one committee on ALT (Target by 20%)
- Decrease the participation gap of middle school teachers (6%) and high school teachers (17%) (Target by 10%)
- Increase the % of students participating in the ALT team, to 10%
- Increase in students' participation in norming school
- Students participate In SLC meeting by 5%
- Students voice in helping with the enrollment process
By June 2023, we will increase our Professional Development Insight score from 3.0 to 5.0
- Sub-Goal: Increase positive response rate to “My school is committed to improving my instructional practice” and “In the past 6 months, someone at my school or district/network has helped me develop new skills or content knowledge that I was able to apply in my own classroom” (Target 60% of teachers will agree or strongly agree, from 39% and 33%)
In order to increase these scores, listening sessions, mini-surveys, focus groups, and opportunities for discussion in department and SLC meetings will be provided. By gaining more information on what people need and want to experience we will be able to engage in an ongoing Redesign process so that we can continually improve our practices.
We look forward to the ideas and thoughts of all members of our CHEC team, in order to continually improve our practices.
Shout out to all Redesign Team members! This week, we will meet on Wednesday, October 18, at 3:30 pm, to debrief and process the selection process, and continue the work of the Innovation Teams. On Tuesday, we will receive written feedback from the XQ Selection panel, and this will provide guidance on our next steps. As described last week, we are forming 9 Innovation Teams, one for each of the Innovations in our Redesign – Youth CDC and Student Run Businesses, Expanded Community Partnerships, Expanded SEL and Mental Health Services, Food Equity, Paid Work Study, International and Domestic Travel Abroad, Interdisciplinary Projects Co-Designed by Students, and Flexible Schedule. Two of these Innovation Teams will launch next week! If you would like to serve on one of the Innovation teams, please come to the meeting or let us know! Each team will have staff and student co-leaders, and will be trained in the design process.
We are also planning celebrations of the hard work of the Redesign Team, with a dinner (date and time to be announced).
For attendance at Focus Groups or with Innovation Team meetings held after school we will offer Admin Premium, and up to 20 students who participate in the Innovation Teams will receive a $200 stipend and Community Service hours. Please speak with your students, and find students who would like to become involved in the design of one or more of the innovations.
If you are already implementing something in your practice or curriculum this year, that you think reflects the two big ideas, we would like to highlight them. Please send a description of your innovation or shift, and we will highlight it in the bulletin. If you are interested in one of the innovations, please contact Maria Tukeva, Principal, Ms. Krishunda Penn Pearson, Redesign Director, your SLC Administrator, or any member of the XQ Redesign Team. Please join the Redesign Team, and please reach out to interested students or parents!
It is our priority to get technology into the hands of all students as soon as possible. We commend Mr. Tobias and the Tech/Ops Team for their hard work in working on this goal. This week we will distribute devices to grades 6,7,and 8 every morning, and to grades 9-12 in the afternoons. Please see your SLC Administrator for questions and concerns. Thank you for supporting this process!
- Shout out to Mr. Magee, Ms. Pugh, Ms. Castro, Mr. Yeboah, Dr. Iraheta, Ms. Avila, Ms. Partelow, all proctors, and all who supported our PSAT/SAT testing process!
- Shout out to Major Wright and MSgt DesChamps for recruiting and engaging 8th Graders in the NJROTC!
- Shout out to Ms. Marques, Ms. Moore, and Mr. Boone for a great Faculty Meeting on MTSS!
- Shout out to Mr. Loria for coordinating our Schoolwide SEL Pulse Check!
- Kudos to the Ops Team and 9th Grade ESL team for coordinating the screening of “Cria Puercos!”
Week 8 of Advisory 1
In the eighth week of the school year, Homecoming Week! There are two full weeks before portfolio presentations, so this week should be focused on revising all products to be presented, and practicing the presentations by sharing the presentation rubric with students. Students should be able to speak to how they mastered the standards in their products, and actually point to places in the work where they mastered the standard. Please be sure to reach out to parents to encourage them to come, on Remind or Kinvo.
This week in Advisory we will be again be delivering lessons on one of our norms, Digital Citizenship, in most grades.
Please build the norms and have them come alive in our class. For example, if you are doing a Socratic Seminar, you can emphasize Owning your Learning, or showing Respect and Empathy. Having a student serve as Process Observer and reflecting at the end of class is a great way to end the class.
Please reach out to SLC Administrators and Coaches for support and assistance.
Professional Development
We have some great Professional Development coming up, and you also have an opportunity to have input into our professional development for the year. These are all upcoming in September, with dates to be confirmed:
Training in Co-teaching Models and Best Practices – PD Provider – Blue Engine - 20 co-teaching pairs (SPED-Gen Ed, ELA-SLA, SPED-DL, ESL-Gen Ed) will have the opportunity to participate in a Community of Practice and practice high leverage co-teaching strategies that result in effective differentiation. Part 1 of this training is complete, Part 2 will begin in November.
Principles of Effective Dual Language Programs, Literacy Strategies for Language Learners in Bilingual Programs – PD Provider -Center for Applied Linguistics 16 leaders and up to 50 teachers will have the opportunity to receive this professional development. Part 1 of the training for leaders is complete, Part 2 will take place in November. If you are interested, please see M. Tukeva
Transformational Coaching – PD Provider – Bright Morning (Elena Aguilar) – 14 LEAP Leaders, Admin, Department Chairs and Coaches will have the opportunity to receive professional development in coaching strategies in a community of practice. This PD will occur on October 14th.
Our Shared Leadership Subcommittee on the ALT Team will be surveying staff and helping to develop a PD plan for the year.
The ALT Team met on September 27, and discussed professional development needs and plans. Their findings are found in this link. If you have thoughts or ideas about professional development needs, please contact any member of the ALT Team.
Instructional Calendar
The Instructional Calendar is a living document that houses all the major curricular requirements, assessments, and schoolwide events. The Instructional Calendar is complete for the moment, however changes may be made and will be noted. If you have any requests for additions to the Instructional Calendar, please contact Mr. Magee,peter.magee@k12.dc.gov, maria.tukeva@k12.dc.gov or your SLC Administrator.
Please view the 22-23 CHEC Instructional Calendar here.
are currently looking for teacher and staff referrals for rising juniors and
sophomores to apply for a wonderful opportunity to study abroad for an entire
year. This is being sponsored by the Rotary Foundation of Washington, DC. This
opportunity closes this week, so time is of the essence. Please contact Kapindi
Kroma at MCIP kapindi@comcast.net, if
interested in learning more about this opportunity.
On Wednesday, a group of 14 people visited CHEC. 3 people from the Embassy of Japan, 10 are principals at technical colleges in Japan, 1 was an interpreter. They observed my 3rd period class first. We did a review with Kahoot, then a lesson with Nearpod. I told my students that there will be guests, but they seemed a little nervous and quieter than usual (which is understandable). They participated well anyway. After the class, we moved to the HS library and Mr. Jones, Ms. Bruggeman and Mr. Galvan joined. They had a lot of questions about our school, students, and the school system in the US. Some principals were interested in collaborating with CHEC students. Embassy asked the possibility of expanding the Japanese program to level 3 to AP. They emailed me there is a fund that can cover materials or hiring new teachers. I will look into the information.Overall, we had a very productive meeting and I was told they really enjoyed visiting CHEC. I am excited to connect this opportunity to a further collaboration. I want to shout out Mr. Jones, Ms. Bruggeman and Mr. Galvan for their amazing support!
Ms. Yamashita
During the week of October 24th- 28th CHEC will celebrate red ribbon week to honor our commitment to live drug free lives. During this time students and staff will participate in various drug free activities including a plt lesson, plt challenge and a spirit week. The theme this year is ‘Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free’. As a kickoff activity counselors and social workers have planned a plt door decorating challenge to promote the upcoming week of drug free activities. Our hope is that you decorate your door according to what the theme (Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free) means to your plt. The winner will receive a tasty treat. Please Decorate your doors by COB October 21st.
Please see below for a snapshot of our spirit week themes. More Information to come at SLC the week before. 😊
- Oct. 24st, Monday- “Put a Cap on Drugs Day”. Wear your favorite hat to symbolize being drug free.
- Oct. 25nd, Tuesday “Wear Red Day” Wear red to symbolize that they are drug free.
- Oct. 26rd, Wednesday “Shade out Drugs Day”. Wear your shades to show that you are drug free.
- Oct. 27th, Thursday “Dreaming of a Drug Free world.” Wear school appropriate pajamas and slippers to show that you are dreaming of a drug free world.
- Oct. 28th, Friday “Drugs are SCARY” wear school appropriate costumes to show you are drug free. *NO MASKS*
More Information to come at SLC the week before
Che’vaniece Marshall, NCC, LGPC
Professional School Counselor
8th Grade Caseload
Motivation for the Week
School Culture Events
If you have a concern about students engaged in bullying, please notify a Dean or your grade level Administrator immediately.
Here is a link to Bullying Prevention Activities this week:
October 20th is PURPLE THURSDAY! Make a fashion statement that really says something: wear something purple in honor of survivors!
https://www.thehotline.org/ (Link to access the Hotline for Help and other resources.)
Here is a link for information about events in DC. https://dccadv.org/dvam/dvam-calendar/
Let’s support and bring awareness to Breast Cancer ALL Month wearing something PINK as often as possible!
October 21st is PINK RIBBON DAY. The culture team will provide everyone with a pink ribbon to wear that day.
Are you ready for some Football!?
Our Homecoming Football game is Friday, October 21st.
Please be sure to come and support our Griffins at the game in your CHEC swag!!!
During this week, there will be some fun and festive activities planned (see below).
More Activities this Week:
Monday: TIKTOK CHALLENGE Click to See Flyer
Tuesday-Thursday: Bully Prevention Activities Click to See Details
Wednesday- Middle School Pep Rally (Tentative)
Thursday: Career Symposium/Career Fair (6th -10th Grade)
Friday: College & Career Fair (11th & 12th Grade)
Friday: Aux Cord Wars (During Lunch) Click to See Flyer
Friday: Pep Rally Flyer
Upcoming Friday PBIS Incentives (Please note that this schedule is tentative and is subject to change at the discretion of Culture Team Leaders.)
Our next Kickboard incentive will be Friday, October 28th (Sports Field Day and Competition/Movie in Auditorium $200)
10th - Staff vs. Student (Sprit Week)
30th – Skating
2nd - Cell Phone and Games
16th – Field Trip
PBIS Reminders and Celebrations
Teacher All-Stars (500 Interactions or Higher)
- Omar Abusabha
- Katelynn Reyes
- Mya Ferguson
- Dwight Simon
- Latrice Quickley
- Ruben Brown
- Christopher Zinzarella
- Justin Johnson
- Gregory Lindsey
- Sandra Garcia
Kickboard norms reminder
Currently, we have 60 % participation in staff rewarding students with Kickboard points. Let’s push to increase this next week. Remember, Kickboard helps to build positive classroom culture and should be integrated in your classroom incentives and norms.
- 15 interactions per class and 45 interactions per day
- DO NOT deduct student dollars
- Do not attempt to inflate the day of the incentive
- Use the first 15 and last 15 of class to give dollars
- Create in-class incentives (Do not deduct dollars)
* We did not have any submissions for “Student of the Week” for this past week. Please make sure you collaborate with your grade level or content teams, to recognize students.*
Use the following forms for future submissions:
Digital Citizenship Week begins October 17th! Jumpstart digital literacy with your class using our free, easy-to-use pacing guide.
There is a Virtual PD opportunity on October 20th Click this link to Register!
Student Support Forms:
Reminder: Please bookmark this link for future reference:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7kagKk6zM0qSt5md8rwKMlnJSbOnQ0xKsY-f39IrJ4ZUNTBDOE9aUDVXRkNNSUJLUjVUVTVSN09DWS4u
Additional Updates and Opportunities:
Please also support our MIDDLE SCHOOL Volleyball and Soccer Teams!!! CHEC ATHLETIC SCHEDULE
There is an ESSAY CONTEST with Cash Prizes up to $1,500!!! If you know a young lady between the ages of 13 and 18, and who is dealing with the challenge of growing up in a home without the presence of their biological father, then the DISCOVERING ME... WITHOUT YOU Personal Essay Contest for Teen Girls is an excellent opportunity for them to share their story. Please share this link with students who may be interested. https://www.estherproductionsinc.com/contest
This week the Culture Team would like to shine the spotlight on two CHEC Superstar Staff members, Ms. Andrea Lewis, 9th Grade Counselor and Ms. Kawther Nimer, Social Worker!
Ms. Lewis and Ms. Nimer recently helped the middle school discuss a sensitive topic regarding the Muslim community in response to an incident that impacted our school culture and community in a negative way. They both led a discussion about the “Hijab,” a head covering worn in public by some Muslim women. Not only was the information informative but it was also restorative and supported DCPS and CHEC’s mission of Anti-Racism and being culturally competent. Additionally, both of these phenomenal women help all the students in being dependable by redirecting students in the hallways and engaging with them on challenges they may be experiencing. Thank you both for all that you do for our students and staff at CHEC!
Mrs. Henderson
Athletics are an integral part of the educational program and a means to accomplish the goals of education. Our athletic program exists for the welfare of students and the contributions it makes to their educational experience. Athletic participation builds self-esteem and confidence and provides the necessary tools for success. The interaction between individuals on the fields of sport teaches students the value of teamwork, while developing the proper competitive spirit, combined with a sense of fairness.
BSOC: 1 - 2 - 1
GSOC: 0 - 3
VB: 4 - 2
BSOC: 6 - 3 - 2
FB: 7 - 1
GSOC: 6 - 3
VB: 9 - 3
The HS FB team defeated Cardozo. The HS boys soccer team tied Roosevelt. The HS girls soccer team defeated Cardozo. The HS volleyball team defeated Banneker and Coolidge. The middle school volleyball team lost to Hardy.
No Games
MS BSOC vs. Hardy at Randall @ 3:30
MS GSOC vs. Hardy at CHEC @ 4:00
HS BSOC vs. St. Johns at St. Johns @ 4:00
HS VB vs. Dunbar at Dunbar @ 5:00
MS VB vs. Johnson at CHEC @ 5:30
MS GSOC vs. Oyster Adams at CHEC @ 4:00
MS BSOC vs. MacFarland at CHEC @ 5:00
HS VB vs. Cardozo at CHEC @ 6:00
MS VB vs. Oyster Adams at Hardy @ 4:00
HS FB vs. Anacostia at Cardozo @ 6:00 (Senior Night and Homecoming)
No Games
To participate in sports, including tryouts, students must complete participation paperwork and upload their physical via https://www.thedciaa.com/participation-forms. Anyone with questions, should contact the CHEC athletic director, Coach A in room D236, or via email at desmond.alexander@k12.dc.gov.
Fall sports include:
Middle School
Boys Cross Country: Coach Lionel Edmonds (lionel.edmonds@k12.dc.gov)
Girls Cross Country: Helena Burnett (helena.burnett@k12.dc.gov)
Boys Soccer: Coach Jarmar Layne (jarmarlayen123@gmail.com)
Girls Soccer: TBD
Volleyball: Coach Constance Hanlon (constance.hanlon@k12.dc.gov)
High School
Cheerleading: Coach Dionne Wright (dionnewright02@gmail.com)
Cross Country: Miguel Pinto (miguel.pinto@k12.dc.gov)
Boys Soccer: Coach Victor Molina (victor.molina@k12.dc.gov)
Girls Soccer: Coach Rhina Merino (rnmerino123@gmail.com)
Football: Coach Daniel Tyson (dnltysn@gmail.com)
Volleyball: Coach Mafope Alao (mafope.alao@k12.dc.gov)
Desmond Alexander, CAA
Athletic Directo.
Columbia Heights Educational Campus
Bell/Lincoln Multicultural Schools
(202)939-7700 Ext: 5207 (office)
(202)576-9147 (fax)