A Day
B Day
SLC Morning Meeting
A Day
SLC/MTSS morning meetings
Department Meetings
SAT/PSAT Day for High School Testing Schedule 9 am to 1:00 pm
Local School Advisory Team Meeting – 3:30 pm - Cafeteria
B Day
Department Meetings
Hispanic Heritage Month Assembly
9 am - 9th & 10th Grade
10:40 am - 11th & 12th Grade
A Day
No Meetings
Hispanic Heritage Month Assembly 9am - 6th Grade
12:20 pm - 7th & 8th Grade

Principal: Maria Tukeva
OCTOBER 9, 2023:
Our focus this week is on this phrase from the mission statement, “All Columbia Heights Education Campus graduates will be prepared to succeed in college, careers and civic life as leaders in the quest for social justice and anti-racism.” An aligned goal from our Comprehensive School Plan is,
- 100% of 9th , 10th, 11th & 12th Grade students that are not on track for promotion/graduation will participate in group/individual intervention at the end of terms 1-3. (as measured by earning 6 credits and passing English 1)
- At least 85% of 9th , 10th, 11th & 12th Grade students will be on track to promote (as measured by earning 6 credits and passing English 1), and rates will continue to rise over time. (Quantitative number as opposed to over time e.g. 2% points per term)
On Tuesday, we will complete our first Progress Reports of the year. In order to reach our school goals, and ensure that all students are prepared to succeed, we must give them actionable feedback in a timely fashion and follow that up with needed supports. Progress reports are critical to this process. They are more than just a compliance matter, they are a matter of scholastic life and death. We issue progress reports so that students, together with us, are able to respond to the feedback and get the supports they need to succeed. The first progress report of the year is the most important one, as it sets the tone for how we are going to respond when students aren’t succeeding, which sets the tone for how they respond and take charge of their learning. Whether you are a teacher, counselor, social worker, administrator, or culture team member, once the reports are entered, please engage in these questions in order to determine how you are going to move forward in supporting students –
Which students are doing well (A’s and B’s, perhaps one C)?
Which students are not doing well? (D’s and F’s)
What are the trends by subgroup, race, and ethnicity?
How does it correlate with attendance?
Are there trends by grade? By content area? By period of the day? Other trends?
Now that you know who is not doing well – how will communicate with students, find out why and design interventions? What is the role of admin? What is the role of teachers? What is the role of Counselors? What is the role of social workers? What is the role of culture team?
School wide Youth Voice and Choice and Design Thinking-
As you begin to work within your teams, and see dilemmas or opportunities arise, continue to use design thinking as an ongoing process of improvement. We know we have the ability and skill to do so – it is just a matter of making it part of what we do. In order to create conditions for intentional participation, we will have different groups of students attending all leadership meetings on a rotating basis. They will present their needs and ideas, and also engage in discussions on SMART goals and other initiatives. On Thursday, from 1-3 pm, a team from XQ will be filming some of our activities, and interviewing students and some staff.
We got excellent feedback at the faculty meeting and will continue to reach out to the rest of the faculty and students to collect feedback on how the master schedule is being experienced. We should be able to review this data by next week. Choice day will start for Middle School this week and we will have the whole school implementing Choice Day.
Advisory Pilot
We are now on our fifth Design Thinking lesson! We all need support in internalizing the Advisory Curriculum, and we are continually working on making it accessible in the CHEC Corner. We also got feedback on Advisory during the Faculty meeting, and will share this in order to continue to refine advisory. Please reach out to your grade level planning team and learn about the Wayfinder and We do it for the Culture Curriculum in order to enrich Advisory.
Co-Designed PBL Pilot
The PBL pilot teachers received training in the process of co-design and co-planning with students. All members of the admin team, Department Chairs, coaches and teachers who are piloting the Co-designed PBL project are invited to the three day PBL training, October 18, 19, and 20 here at CHEC. By the end of this advisory, all of the teachers in the pilot will have launched their co-designed project.
With all of these pilots going on, how will we know what is working and what is not? By collecting data on key metrics, both quantitative and qualitative. Our last faculty meeting provided a lot of actionable feedback in order to refine our pilots.
This week, we will continue the focus on having a warm welcome to the building and to every class. As we enter the seventh week, we should now know most of our students, and it is important to maintain relationships and engagement through our focus on a warm welcome to every class and promoting student discourse and involvement in every class. This also will ensure that students are arriving on time, ready to begin instruction on time.
It is also important to utilize the color-coded passes. If you need another one, please let the culture team know. You have received information from the Culture team on these initiatives, as well as how our Culture team will support all staff in maintaining a positive culture. The norms have been discussed in detail in Advisory over the first four weeks, and it is important to continue to use the language of the norms throughout the school year, in a co-regulatory fashion.
- Shout out to the whole CHEC Team for a Super Successful Sixth Week of School!
- Shout out to Mr. Boone for leading our October Faculty Meeting, and to all of our Open Space Technology Facilitators – Ms. Ermis, Ms. Ramirez, Mr. Sanford, Ms. Alvarado, Dr. Brown, Ms. Henderson, Mr. Williams, Mr. Padilla, Mr. Mendez, Ms. Pugh, Ms Penn, Ms. Massoni, Ms. Warren, Ms. Weiss, Mr. Hunter, Ms. Cates Bristol, Ms. Helme, Ms. Riesenberg, Ms. Inamura, Dr. Emilius, Ms. Lee, Mr. Loria, Mr. Jones, Mr. Whitney, and Ms. Burnett! Shout out also to the numerous students who attended and facilitated! Shout out to Dr. Barnett for leading the stringed ensemble, and to Ms. Garcia for coordinating the refreshment service with her Hospitality students!
- Shout out to Ms. Bruemmer and Mr. Yeboah for coordinating our readiness for SAT/PSAT!!
- Shout out to the Arts Department for organizing our Hispanic Heritage Assemblies!
- Shout out to all of our Athletic Coaches for leading our teams this fall!
Week 7 of Advisory 1
We are beginning week 7 of the school year!
This week marks the official mid-point of the advisory, and student progress reports should be shared with them. PROGRESS REPORTS ARE DUE IN ASPEN BY 5:00 PM ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 10. It is important for students to understand where they are at this point in your course, and what they need to do to be successful by the end of the course. Our goal is for all students to pass all of their courses, and in order to do so they need to know what they must do to be successful in the course. Please set up a time and protocol to review and reflect on progress reports this week.
The SEL focus of this week continues to be on relationship building, and co-regulatory norms with students.
All classes should be fully engaged in the production of their projects, through the use of the workshop model (Opening - Mini-lesson – guided practice – work-period – revision- closing). In two weeks, we will have our first portfolio presentations, so it is important to have progress toward the product that students can share with parents and others during the presentations.
Coaching Corner
The Coaching Team has some recognitions! We have been working with phenomenal colleagues who are new to CHEC. We want to shout out some of the amazing things these teachers are doing.
- From Ms. Warren-Herd: Shoutout to Ms. Fox who has already made a huge impact on the CHEC Theater community. Ms. Fox has arranged field trips, led the planning for the Hispanic Heritage Festival, and engaged her students with dynamic lessons. She is truly a teacher all-star!
- From Dr. Emilius: Shoutout to Ms. Portillo for holding down our Spanish language program in the high school. A CHEC graduate herself, Ms. Portillo has returned and currently teaches Spanish I, Spanish II, and Spanish Heritage. She already has students giving multimedia presentations in front of the class to introduce themselves and explain their daily routines!
- From Mr. H. Diaz: Shoutout to Mr. Graham for hitting the ground running in our new Barber course. Students are already excited to get their hands on clippers and to get their hair cut by aspiring barbers!
Here is a quick clip of Mr. Graham teaching a student proper technique!
Buddy Teacher Program
A Buddy Teacher is a veteran CHEC teacher who will be paired with a new teacher (new to teaching or an experienced teacher new to CHEC) to provide support throughout the 2023-2024 school year. A Buddy Teacher is expected to introduce themselves and check-in with their buddy regularly. Buddy Teachers will provide their buddy guidance on navigating things ranging from how to print to IMPACT to classroom management tips and tricks. Buddy Teachers are not expected to be experts on all topics but, when needed, should point their buddies to the people in the building who are experts. Our goals through the Buddy Teacher Program are to a) provide new teachers with more supports, b) create a stronger sense of belonging for new teachers, c) cultivate an environment where all teachers feel they have the resources they need to succeed, and d) foster a culture of shared leadership within our CHEC community.
Instructional Calendar
Professional Development
We will host a three day professional development at CHEC in Project Based Learning, by PBL Works on October 18, 19, and 20. Details forthcoming. There is also an upcoming Professional Development on our two new Advisory Curricula, Wayfinder, and We do it for the Culture. Dates are forthcoming.
The ALT team is serving to guide our Redesign and our Comprehensive School Plan, and will be meeting every two weeks. The third ALT team Meeting was Tuesday, October 3. Notes can be found here. The agenda included preparation for the BOY meeting with the Cluster Support Team. The coaching team presented a second time to all who are engaged in coaching. All staff are invited to attend the ALT team meeting, as well as students and parents. One of our goals in the Shared Leadership Domain is to increase the number of staff and students attending, with an emphasis on those who have not participated in the past. We need to hear all voices on the ALT! The next ALT Team Meeting will be on Tuesday, October 17 at 3:30 pm in the middle school library.
October is Growing Healthy Schools Month (GHSM)! GHSM celebrates how schools are creating healthy places for all students. You can take the pledge here. All it takes is 5 minutes! Please share with your staff and teachers at Columbia Heights Education Campus, the more pledges the better! Please contact the GHSM team at with any questions.


Message from Deans:
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!!
Thank you for an amazing WEEK 6! In these last few weeks, we have seen so much consistency driving our norms and expectations from many of you. Students have verbally acknowledged a change and shift in the culture of the school that “feels good”. Students seem eager to come to school and are arriving more on time than ever before. We have are seeing relationship building in hallways and classrooms. Parents have also expressed their appreciation for the changes we have made this year. Cheers to a safer and more welcoming CHEC!!!
Thank you all for your hard work and support of school culture! Have an amazing week!!

- Shout out to all students who are now arriving on time for school! Please recognize and celebrate students who are showing up to classes on time.
- Shout out to Mr. Duvall and the students who are members of the Restorative Justice Team!

October is Bullying Prevention Month. All month we will have activities to bring more awareness to bullying and continue to keep CHEC a safe bully free school.
There is also a CHEC Bullying Prevention Week. See activities below.

Culture Team has a hub for all things Culture and MTSS!!!!
CHEC Culture and MTSS Page
Look for this icon on the “CHEC Corner Page”

Please ensure that you have a hall pass. If you do not, please inform a member of the culture team. Students are required to have a laminated colored pass to use the restrooms and travel to authorized locations in general.
Best Practices
- Please make sure you give passes at all times
- Always write students’ Time Out and Return Time
- Only one student should be out of class at a time
- Enforce the 10/10 Rule (No passes during the first 10 and last 10 minute of class.
- Do not issue passes during lunch periods. Students should have taken care of their needs during lunch or transitions.
Wednesday, October 11
Building & Sustaining Community & Restorative Justice (9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
Proactive Circle Keeping (1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, October 25
Restorative Justice Fundamentals & Overview (9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
Restorative Justice, Social-Emotional Learning & Mental Health (1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.)
Athletics are an integral part of the educational program and a means to accomplish the goals of education. Our athletic program exists for the welfare of students and the contributions it makes to their educational experience. Athletic participation builds self-esteem and confidence and provides the necessary tools for success. The interaction between individuals on the fields of sport teaches students the value of teamwork, while developing the proper competitive spirit, combined with a sense of fairness.

Team | Boys' Soccer | Girls' Soccer | DC Scores Boys' Soccer | DC Scores Girls' Soccer | Volleyball | Football |
LINCOLN | 2 - 1 | 0 - 3 - 1 | 2 - 3 - 1 | 1 - 2 | - | |
BELL | 4 - 1 - 1 | 2 - 2 | 2 - 3 | 3 - 2 |
Day | Games |
MONDAY | HS BSOC vs. Dunbar at Dunbar @ 4:00 HS GSOC vs. Banneker at Cardozo @ 4:00 MS VB vs. Hardy at Deal @ 5:30 |
TUESDAY | MS BSOC vs. Oyster-Adams at CHEC @ 4:00 HS VB vs. Cardozo at Roosvelt @ 5:00 |
WEDNESDAY | MS XC Meet at Colmar Manor Park @ 12:00 MS VB vs. Johnson at Brookland @ 5:30 |
THURSDAY | MS GSOC vs. Cardozo at CHEC @ 4:00 (subject to change) MS BSOC vs. Hardy at CHEC @ 5:00 (subject to change) FB vs. Phelps at Spingarn @ 6:00 (subject to change) HS VB vs. Coolidge at CHEC @ 6:15 |
FRIDAY | No Games |
SATURDAY | No Games |
Team | Result |
MS BSOC | Defeated Eliot-Hine to Deal 10 – 0 |
MS GSOC | Tied Ida B. Wells 1 – 1 |
MS VB | Lost to Oyster Adams 0 – 2 | DC SCORES GIRLS SOCCER | Defeated MacFarland via forfeit |
HS VB | MacArthur 2 – 0 and lost to Banneker 0 – 2 |
HS GSOC | BY Week |
HS BSOC | Defeated McKinley Tech 10 – 0 |
HS Football | Lost to Coolidge 15 – 27 |

A junior midfielder with an extraordinary sense for the game, Argenis Ramirez's ball-handling prowess was a force McKinley Tech couldn't contain. Contributing four assists and maintaining relentless pressure throughout the match, Argenis earns our "Player of the Match" accolade.
To participate in sports, including tryouts, students must complete participation paperwork and upload their physical via Anyone with questions, should contact the CHEC athletic director, Coach A in room D236, or via email at Spring sports practice have begun.
Desmond Alexander, CAA
Athletic Directo.
Columbia Heights Educational Campus
Bell/Lincoln Multicultural Schools
(202) 939-7700 Ext: 5207 (office)
(202) 576-9147 (fax)