WEEK OF JUNE 13, 2022
MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2022
TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2022
ALT Team Meeting 3:45
Middle School Field Day
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2022
Bell Scholarship Awards – June 22
Bell Graduation - June 23
Principal: Maria Tukeva
This week’s focus is on the phrase from the Mission,
“We foster a growth mindset and find joy and purpose in learning and collaborating. We value student choice and voice, and a rich learning environment that includes sports, the arts, and extracurriculars.”
As we draw close to the end of the year, we are seeing both formal and informal ways that our students are developing and reaching this element of our mission. For example, the performances of students in our Arts and Music Department are authentic representations of joy and purpose. The student designed and run AAPI Assembly is another example of student voice and choice, and agency in their own learning.
Field Day is a powerful example of learning and collaborating, that unites students and faculty. The positive feelings and sense of trust that comes from this kind of experience, carry over into the classrooms and hallways of the school.
During these last two weeks, there are continued opportunities for this kind of rich learning environment, particularly the final portfolio presentations of the year. During this last reflection of the year, students should not only reflect on what they learn, but also think forward to next year, and how they will use their voice and ability to choose to developing and following their own learning goals. Let us truly ground these last portfolio presentations in encouraging full student engagement with their own learning, and peer support for one another. The school year is almost over, and by focusing on reflection while looking forward, we can all end the year with a sense of pride in accomplishment, and hope for the year to come.
Thank you CHEC Team for all you do!
Even as we draw to the end of SY 21-22 we are preparing for the new school year. If you would like to serve on our Interviewing committee, to interview new staff members for next year, please contact Pankaj Rayamajhi. We need your involvement! Also, if you are willing to serve on our ReEnrollment team, and help parents re enroll their children, please also see or email Pankaj Rayamajhi, or Billy Oliva. Thank you in advance in being part of our development for next year.
Thank you to all for your additional input into the XQ proposal at Thursday’s Faculty Meeting. We are still awaiting overall feedback from XQ and DCPS, so we can begin the process of revision for submission in August.
Thank you to all for your collaboration and engagement as we make sure we are communicating clearly to all students what our norms are, and why they are important to our whole school community. Thank you to all for delivering the lessons on Respect and Empathy.
We are continuing to see too many students in the hallways during class time, and the implications of this are first, that students are not receiving the full instruction that they should, and second, that there are students unsupervised in a large building, which has an impact on safety. In order to remedy this situation, we must all be consistent and clear with the norms.
- All students at all times must have a pass with a valid reason, a written time and destination, in order to leave the class during the class period. Valid reasons include – going to the restroom, for water, or to the nurse. In order to see Mr. Tobias re: tech, a counselor or therapist, the student must have a written appointment pass. Reasons that are NOT valid, and a pass should not be provided – going to see a friend, going to check on their attendance, going to see Mr. Tobias without an appointment, going to see another teacher.
- "Breaks” should be taken inside the classroom, not outside. There should not be any breaks that include walking around the building. We do not have staffing or capacity to supervise the entire building at all times, and when there is a gap in supervision, things occur. Please brainstorm with your SLC, what in class breaks could look like.
- Teaching should happen bell to bell. Many students state they have “finished their work” and this is why they are getting passes to walk around the building. In a workshop model, students are revising their work to bring it to standard, and completing their GRASPS. There should be options for extension work if the GRASPS has been completed. Please discuss with your colleagues how to maximize classroom time, and find out how teachers provide extensions for students to work on projects or ideas they are passionate about. You could also engage a student in assisting you in the class.
- Please do not allow students who are not in their classes, to come in to their classrooms. This is contributing to class cutting. Please redirect the student back to his/her class, and reach out to the teacher who the student is avoiding, or to the Assistant Principal to assist in resolving the issue.
- Students are not seeing substitutes as a viable option for instruction. Please be sure you are leaving authentic work aligned to the GRASPS for students to complete, and clear instructions for the substitute. Please also have student leaders in each period to support subs, and provide ideas and options to your students for what they should work on in the absence of the teacher. Please provide expectations to students for how they should engage in instruction with a sub, and ask the sub for feedback on how students engaged.
The process is the following:
1.Please nominate a class that you have, that has for the most part (90% of the class 90% of the time) demonstrated the first two norms – Owning their Learning, and Digital Citizenship.
2.All nominated classes will be put into a random selection process, (Plicker wheel) and only one be selected to go off campus for lunch. Each student in the class will be provided with $6.00 to support the purchase of their lunch (they can use their own money as well).
3.If there are any students in the nominated class with less than 85% attendance, or with multiple discipline referrals, they will not be included in the lunch off campus.
4.Please nominate a class by means of filling out this form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7kagKk6zM0qSt5md8rwKMlBbjpUnjlNBkU-GwWNM3dNUMlo2TEhBS0dNWlBUN1paSkZDM1BEWlhDNS4u
- Shout out to our Music and Arts Department for their Arts Showcase on Wednesday and Thursday of this past week! All students did an amazing job!
- Shout out to Mr. Jackson, Mr. Molina, Ms. Buckmon, Ms. Ferguson, and all who supported the Field Day! It was a wonderful experience for students and faculty!
- Kudos to Ms. Yamashita and Dean Williams for coordinating the AAPI Assembly! It was truly a student run event!
- Shout out to Mr. Smith, Ms. Avila, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Marshall and Ms. Kahasay for the Middle School Awards Assemblies!
- Shout out to Dr. Brown and Mr. Pyram for coordinating Capstone Night! Over 90 students presented their projects with pride and passion!
- Kudos to the NAF Academy and Engineering/IT Academies for a great Awards Assembly! Two students won 10,000 scholarships from partners!
- Shout out to Major Wright for coordinating multiple presentations by the Color Guard!
- Shout out to Ms. Blankson and Mr. Pyram for Culture Day! It was wonderful to see all of our students celebrating their cultures proudly!
- Shout out to the XQ Team for continuing work on the proposal!
- Shout out to the PGT Team for supporting our students in all aspects!
- Shout out to the Counseling Team for continuing to work with all students on developing their schedules for next year!
- Kudos to the Dean Team for pride, poise, perseverance and follow up! Shout out for their focus on Incentives!
- Shout out to Operations for continuing COVID follow up and keeping the building clean!
Columbia Heights Education Campus’s great teachers deserve to be recognized! We’re proud to partner with Honored Schools again this year to do just that! Go to HonoredSchools.org to tell Columbia Heights Education Campus teachers how they’ve made a difference. Please share this with parents and students! Once recognized, teachers get an email with your recognition story and we’ll celebrate them! Please see below our Honored Teachers from last week, and go to the website to read the wonderful things their students say about them!
Week 8 of Advisory 4
We are now entering the 8thth week of the fourth advisory, and the year is almost over! Students in all classes should be prepared to present their portfolios starting on this week, and continuing the week of June 20. All teachers will also be presenting their TAS data this week.
Instructional Calendar
The Instructional Calendar is a living document that houses all the major curricular requirements, assessments, and schoolwide events. The Instructional Calendar is complete for the moment, however changes may be made and will be noted. If you have any requests for additions to the Instructional Calendar, please contact Mr. Magee, peter.magee@k12.dc.gov, or your SLC Administrator.
The DC Area Writing Project (DCAWP) at Howard University is excited to announce its Summer Institute, Culturally Sustaining and Anti-Racist Practices to Cultivate Equity in Writing Instruction, from Monday, July 11 through Friday, July 15!
The DCAWP 2022 Summer Institute is a week-long professional development opportunity that will focus on strengthening teachers’ capacity to enact culturally sustaining and anti-racist writing instruction. We will also provide sustained support throughout Fall 2022 with monthly Saturday sessions.
We invite you to share the attached flyer and application with your staff members that may be interested in applying. Applications will be accepted until June 15, 2022. For additional information, please contact our DCAWP Director, Dr. Altheria Caldera, at altheria.caldera@howard.edu
CHEC Lincoln Library Canvas Page
Check your email (called Lincoln Library Canvas Buttons; sent 1/13) for Canvas buttons and links to add to your class Canvas pages. As you update your Canvas pages, include access to the library for independent reading, research resources, and technology support. As a reminder, our digital library collections are accessible through Clever under the Library Resources section. Need help? Email angela.falkenberg@k12.dc.gov to schedule assistance.
Schedule Library Visits and Collaborations
Email angela.falkenberg@k12.dc.gov or call extension 4018 to schedule Library Visits and/or lesson collaborations. These collaborations include co-teaching, resource curations, reading promotions, GRASP assistance, etc.
Angela Falkenberg
Columbia Heights EC - Lincoln MS
School Librarian, M.Ed
Greetings CHEC Family!
The Culture Team would like to thank all staff that aided in the planning of the Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month (APIHM) Assemblies, Bell’s Field Day, and Lincoln’s Staff Vs. Student Soccer game. Additionally, We would like to acknowledge the amazing instructors that have given Kickboard points, with regularity, so that we can reward our young scholars.
This week Lincoln will have its Field day, and students that received 175 Kickboard Dollars, for last Fridays Incentive, will receive ice cream for their achievement
Teachers Needed for Summer Session:
Over the summer the CHEC site will provide Credit Recovery for high school level students and ELSAP for both middle and high school. Learn more about offerings and how to apply here. Please reach out to kaneil.williams@k12.dc.gov if you are considering joining us for the Summer Session.
Incentive Norm Amount required Dates to qualify for incentive
6/24 (Field Day/Rita's/Chik Fila All norms $1000 6.13-6.23
- 15 interactions per class and 45 interactions per day
- DO NOT deduct student dollars
- Do not attempt to inflate the day of the incentive
- Use the first 15 and last 15 of class to give dollars
- Create in-class incentives (Do not deduct dollars)
This is the last month to nominate students.
Weekly teachers should nominate students who have excelled in their class during that week. These nomination includes academic and/or behavioral acceleration. In addition, these nominees upheld CHEC's PRIDE: Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Excellence! Please be sure to complete by 5pm every Thursday.
Use the following forms:
Student Support Forms:
Reminder: Please bookmark this link for future reference:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7kagKk6zM0qSt5md8rwKMlnJSbOnQ0xKsY-f39IrJ4ZUNTBDOE9aUDVXRkNNSUJLUjVUVTVSN09DWS4u
Peace & Love,
The Dean Team
Athletics are an integral part of the educational program and a means to accomplish the goals of education. Our athletic program exists for the welfare of students and the contributions it makes to their educational experience. Athletic participation builds self-esteem and confidence and provides the necessary tools for success. The interaction between individuals on the fields of sport teaches students the value of teamwork, while developing the proper competitive spirit, combined with a sense of fairness.
To participate in sports, including tryouts, students must complete participation paperwork and upload their physical via https://www.thedciaa.com/participation-forms. Additionally, all student-athletes, who are 12 and older than must be vaccinated to participate in sports or have an approved medical or religious exemption and test weekly. Anyone with questions, should contact the CHEC athletic director, Coach A in room D236, or via email at desmond.alexander@k12.dc.gov. Spring sports practice has begun.
Spring sports include:
Middle School
Baseball - Coach Mesa (carlos.mesa@k12.dc.gov)
High School
Baseball - Coach Allen (reiss.allen@k12.dc.gov)
Flag Football - Coach Duvall (ryan.duvall@k12.dc.gov)
Golf - Coach Duvall (ryan.duvall@k12.dc.gov)
Softball - Coach Zinzarella (christopher.Zinzarel1@k12.dc.gov)
Stunt - Coach Wright (dioonewright02@gmail.com)
Outdoor Track - Coach Pinto or Coach Robinson (miguel.pinto@k12.dc.gov or markblaytonrobinson@gmail.com)
Tennis - Claire Riesenberg (claire.riesenberg@k12.dc.gov)
Wrestling - Kenrry Alvarado (kenrry.alvarado@k12.dc.gov)
Desmond Alexander, CAA
Athletic Directo.
Columbia Heights Educational Campus
Bell/Lincoln Multicultural Schools
(202)939-7700 Ext: 5207 (office)
(202)576-9147 (fax)