03-07-2022 - CHEC BULLETIN

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WEEK OF MAR. 7, 2022

Monday, March 7, 2022
MS and Grade 11 & 12 Make ups
9th grade access

Tuesday, Mar. 8, 2022
Grade 10 Access RL

Wednesday, Mar. 9, 2022
Grade 10 Access Writing
COVID 19 Sert Team Meeting 3:45

Thursday, Mar. 10, 2022
Parent Teacher Conference- Virtual - No School for Students

Friday, Mar. 11, 2022
PD Day- Virtual – No School for Students

Upcoming Events

Principal: Maria Tukeva


This week,  we will focus on the mission phrase,

“.. We trust one another to continually improve our practices.”

As we prepare for Parent Teacher Conferences and Progress Reports this week, trust becomes a very important factor.  In order to develop a true partnership with parents, there must be a sense of trust, which can only be built through partnership.  Parents must trust that we have the best interests of their children at heart, and that we are striving to get to know students beyond just their academic performance.

In our XQ Educational Opportunity Audit last week, we had the opportunity to review data on parent perceptions, and student comments from the student focus group.  One thing that stood out in the data from the most recent Parent Panorama Survey, was that the majority of parents, 89%, feel that teachers are trying to establish positive relationships with their children.  This is due to our outreach and openness to parents, and the feedback students give to their parents.

Let’s build on this positive feedback, and strive for 100% of parents to feel we are establishing positive relationships. For this week’s meetings with parents, please establish rapport and trust by:

  • Leading with something positive regarding the student, and showing your knowledge of the students interests and activities.
  • Showing your screen and sharing student work with the parent, so they can visualize and comment on what students are working on
  • Asking parents for their feedback on the curriculum and projects – what other kinds of topics/projects would they like to see
  • Invite parents to Portfolio Presentations – April 5,6,7,8!
  • Provide real feedback and ideas on how the parent can support student progress – for example, how parents can set goals with their child
  • Asking parents for advice on the best way to communicate with their child when he or she is having difficulties – ask what works and what doesn’t
  • Checking and making sure we have the correct contact information – this is critical to update!

Please be sure to provide your Calendly links to your SLC Administrator, so that we can post them to the website as well.


On last Thursday and Friday, our XQ team, consisting of Ms. Pugh, Ms. Freshley, Ms. Athmer, Ms. DeVargas, Dr. Iraheta, Ms. Tukeva; Students Isaac Fuentes, Jamia Reed, Jeffrey Chivalan,, Akirra Bruce; Parents Angela Salazar, Ahmad Nurridin and Dasean Jones, examined in depth data on CHEC transcripts, college readiness, and career preparedness.  The Team will share initial findings in a Focus Group during next week’s ALT team meeting. We have an opportunity to indicate our interest in applying for a year of design next year, to redesign policies and practices to remove barriers to success for our students.  Following the focus group, the team will decide on whether to apply for this redesign process for next year.


Thank you to all for your collaboration and engagement as we make sure we are communicating clearly to all students what our norms are, and why they are important to our whole school community.  This week’s Focus will be on cycling back through all of the norms, and building them into daily actions. In March’s Faculty Meeting, we will focus on how incentives and PBIS can support our norms. There are no specific norms lesson for this week.

An important part of reinforcing the norms, are incentives.  One incentive that the SGA has advocated for, is an opportunity to go off campus for lunch (chaperoned by staff).  Each week, we will select one class, nominated by a teacher, to go off campus for lunch.  Last week, three teachers nominated their classes – Ms. Warren’s second period AP English, Dr. Brown’s 2nd period Capstone, and Ms. Gutierrez’s first period science class – and using the Plicker Wheel, the winner is Dr. Brown’s Capstone Class!


The process is the following:

1.Please nominate a class that you have, that has for the most part (90% of the class 90% of the time) demonstrated the first two norms – Owning their Learning, and Digital Citizenship.
2.All nominated classes will be put into a random selection process, (Plicker wheel) and only one be selected to go off campus for lunch.  Each student in the class will be provided with $6.00 to support the purchase of their lunch (they can use their own money as well).
3.If there are any students in the nominated class with less than 85% attendance, or with multiple discipline referrals, they will not be included in the lunch off campus.
5.There will be more incentives coming – please participate in our incentive survey coming up this week!


Please refer to the memo sent earlier to all staff for the test to return process. If you are able to support entry, please fill out the form in that email, or in the link below.

The COVID 19 SERT Team met on Wednesday, February 2, and will meet again on Wednesday, February March 9, at 3:45 in the High School Library and virtually.  We will discuss the new CDC Guidelines.

Update on Testing and Cases:

Since we were off last week, there were three new cases, from the test to return process, two staff and one student..

  • We must continually reinforce proper wearing of masks – This week, we will continue to send home any student who refuses to wear his or her mask properly.
  • Limiting unnecessary passes and movement for students is critical to limiting transmission.  The Agenda book is the only pass, and it must be signed and dated. Passes should be limited and not given for breaks or other non essential tasks such as going to the bathroom.


  • Shout  out to our XQ Partnership Team – Ms. Pugh, Ms. Freshley, Ms. Athmer, Ms. DeVargas, Dr. Iraheta, Isaac Fuentes, Jamia Reed, Jeffrey Chivalan,, Akirra Reed, Angela Salazar, Ahmad Nurridin and Dasean Jones!  We spent two full days looking at data and action planning!!
  • Kudos to Ms. Vialpando Strickland, Ms. Ortez, all AP’s  and Mr. Diaz for coordinating the ACCESS Testing! Shout out to all teachers for proctoring!
  • Shout out to members of the Admin Team for facilitating the Norms discussion at the faculty meeting! Ms. Thweatt, Ms. West, Mr. Galvan, Mr. Smith, Ms. Avila, Ms. Penn, and Mr. Williams!
  • Shout out to the Dean Team for the Pride, poise and perseverance in maintaining climate in spite of obstacles! Shout out to our AP’s for supporting the Climate initiative every day!
  • Kudos to all teachers who are nominating their classes for incentives!
  • Shout out to all teachers and staff who have been covering classes!
  • Kudos to the Ops Team, Admin Team and Dean Team for their coordination of COVID 19 testing, contact tracing, and prevention!


Columbia Heights Education Campus’s great teachers deserve to be recognized! We’re proud to partner with Honored Schools again this year to do just that! Go to HonoredSchools.org to tell Columbia Heights Education Campus teachers how they’ve made a difference. Please share this with parents and students! Once recognized, teachers get an email with your recognition story and we’ll celebrate them!


Please contact Mya Ferguson or M. Tukeva if you would like to offer Office Hours, or if there is a topic you would like to see offered in Office Hours.
Week 6 of Advisory 3

We are now entering the sixth week of the third advisory, and this week is Parent Teacher Conference Day as well as Progress Reports are due on March 9th!   Please start preparing for conferences, and have students prepare to reflect as well, so they can join their parent in the discussion of their progress.  At this point, students should have completed their first GRASPS, and should be ready to reflect upon it with their Parents during conferences. Please note that Portfolio Presentations will be held on April 5,6,7 and 8, so we have about one month to prepare.  The dates for Portfolio Presentations and Exams for the third advisory have been added to the Instructional Calendar.
Instructional Calendar

The Instructional Calendar is a living document that houses all the major curricular requirements, assessments, and schoolwide events. The Instructional Calendar is complete for the moment, however changes may be made and will be noted.  If you have any requests for additions to the Instructional Calendar, please contact Mr. Magee, peter.magee@k12.dc.gov, or your SLC Administrator.



My Students
My students are a wonderful group of 8th graders, many of whom have immigrated from countries like El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Philippines, Ethiopia, Laos, and the Dominican Republic. All 8th grade students at my school are language learners whether that is learning Spanish for the first time or learning English. We are a dual language community that works together to learn about societal issues, poetry, theatre, and short stories all in Spanish! The majority of my students come from low-income backgrounds and are striving to pursue their education to make a difference in their community.My students work together to break language barriers and communicate with each other. I have seen students who speak only Spanish work with students who only speak English to collaborate and help each other succeed.

My Project
I am requesting in class chargers for my students as many of them either lost or broken their chargers leaving them without access to technology. Many times students have to share chargers or computers as a result of not having their own. Many families cannot afford to continuously provide chargers for the students and this results in them being behind on their work. Please consider donating chargers to power our students learning. With these materials, all students can have access to the content and will not fall behind in class. Additionally, I am requesting extension cords, masks, cleaning supplies and basic materials needed daily in our classroom.



My Students
My students are from all over DC, and they have very interesting stories to tell. Some are from other countries and have learned in other languages, so my computer science classes are sometimes their first for English as well as computer programming and cybersecurity. My students are hard workers and it is important that they have the resources they need, so they only have to focus on the hard parts of learning. We delight to see such growth over the time they are with us, and it is important to give back to them in return.

My Project
Students in this Honor's engineering class will be analyzing electronic circuits and calculating the resistance, voltage and current of circuits before we build and test them. We are analyzing circuits using Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Voltage Law, and Kirchoff's Current Law. Our students are going to need a handheld calculator with the ability to go into engineering mode- showing values that can be converted to SI units. The Sharp D.A.L. calculators are an excellent tool and easy to use for electronics students! Students will use the class set of calculators in various pursuits during this course, and will likely gain a new skill that can be transferred into many similar STEM disciplines.



My Students
My students are very diverse with a lot of characteristics that make them special. You can walk into any classroom and meet people from all over the world. We are a low-income community, and 100% of our students are economically disadvantaged. My students are part of a Spanish immersion program where kids from different cultures and backgrounds have the opportunity to be in contact with a different language that will provide them with skills that help them stand out.

My Project
Everyone is happy to be back in the building after the lockdown so we want to celebrate our students every time we can! We want to create opportunities to reward them for their accomplishments that they have been able to reach. The products I selected will help me give my students a small reward not only for academic gains but also sports events that we plan to have as soon as our weather feels warmer. This will help with motivation and also days when they need something to cheer them up.


CHEC Lincoln Library Canvas Page
Check your email (called Lincoln Library Canvas Buttons; sent 1/13) for Canvas buttons and links to add to your class Canvas pages. As you update your Canvas pages, include access to the library for independent reading, research resources, and technology support. As a reminder, our digital library collections are accessible through Clever under the Library Resources section. Need help? Email angela.falkenberg@k12.dc.gov to schedule assistance.

Schedule Library Visits and Collaborations
Email angela.falkenberg@k12.dc.gov or call extension 4018 to schedule Library Visits and/or lesson collaborations. These collaborations include co-teaching, resource curations, reading promotions, GRASP assistance, etc.

Angela Falkenberg
Columbia Heights EC - Lincoln MS
School Librarian, M.Ed
Greetings CHEC Family!

Thank you for the amazing work you do every day. Below is a quote and a few historical events that align with a few days of the upcoming week.

March 7
Birthday - Stephen Hopkins (1707-1785) was born in Providence, Rhode Island. He was the state's colonial governor and was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

March 9
Birthday - Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) was born in Gzhatsk, Russia. On April 12, 1961, he became the first human in space, orbiting in a capsule 187 miles above the Earth's surface in a flight lasting 108 minutes. His space flight caused a worldwide sensation and marked the beginning of the space race as the U.S. worked to catch up to the Russians and launch an American into space. President John F. Kennedy later asserted the U.S. would land a man on the moon before the end of the 1960's.

March 10  
March 10, 1862 - The first issue of U.S. government paper money occurred as $5, $10 and $20 bills began circulation.
March 10, 1880 - The Salvation Army was founded in the United States. The social service organization was first founded in England by William Booth and operates today in 90 countries.



YES! This week communication regarding groups for students struggling with Hall-walking, Substance Abuse and Anger/Violence and will be communicated by the PGT Team and Dean Team. NOTE: Group sizes are limited, so those with the majority of referrals will be prioritized. Reach out to your respective Dean if you have any additional questions.

ACCESS Testing!
The Admin Team would like to extend our appreciation to all that contributed to the successful planning and proctoring of the ACCESS Tests last week.

Kickboard is here!!
This week teachers will gain access to Kickboard platform while students and their families will finally get an overview of the new PBIS platform. Please look out for the official email with details.

March 8 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

RJ and Student Engagement In Classrooms, Common Spaces & Community (NEW PD!)
Target Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Behavioral Support This session is designed to utilize restorative practices to engage students in multiple ways. With the complexity of socialization and student needs, this session will explore ways students can be engaged in formal and informal restorative processes. Participants will leave with tools and strategies to build transformational relationships

March 9 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Coaching and Skill Building; Restorative Practices in Action
In these highly experiential coaching sessions, you are invited to bring your unique challenges and questions and get on-the-spot coaching and group-peer support. These sessions may take us on pedagogical, behavioral, ethical, personal and cultural reflections and insights on how restorative practices can support individuals and our sense of community.

There were no nominations this week! Please take time weekly to nominate students that have shown consistency, ideal conduct, classroom citizenship and academic progress.

Peace & Love,

The Dean Team

Athletics are an integral part of the educational program and a means to accomplish the goals of education. Our athletic program exists for the welfare of students and the contributions it makes to their educational experience.  Athletic participation builds self-esteem and confidence and provides the necessary tools for success. The interaction between individuals on the fields of sport teaches students the value of teamwork, while developing the proper competitive spirit, combined with a sense of fairness.


Congratulations to the high school cheerleading team for taking 1st place in the Stomp n Shake competition at Highland Springs HS this past weekend.  The high school bowling team defeated Anacostia and HD Woodson. The varsity girls basketball teams lost to Wilson in the first round of the DCIAA playoffs.  The varsity boys basketball team lost to Bard in the first round of the DCIAA playoffs.The DCSAA basketball tournament will take place at the end of February

BB: 0 - 0
SB: 0 - 0
BB: 0 - 0
Flag FB: 0 - 0
SB:0 - 0
Tennis: 0 - 0
Bowling: 4 - 2
Congratulations to the high school bowling team for making it to the DCIAA championship.  Spring sports practice will continue to pick up this week as the winter season is nearly complete.
To participate in sports, including tryouts, students must complete participation paperwork and upload their physical via https://www.thedciaa.com/participation-forms.  Additionally, all student-athletes, who are 12 and older than must be vaccinated to participate in sports or have an approved medical or religious exemption and test weekly.   Anyone with questions, should contact the CHEC athletic director, Coach A in room D236, or via email at desmond.alexander@k12.dc.gov. Spring sports practice has begun.

Spring sports include:

Middle School
Baseball - Coach Mesa (carlos.mesa@k12.dc.gov)
Golf - Jordan Stouch (jordan.stouch@k12.dc.gov)
Softball - TBD
Outdoor Track - TBD

High School
Baseball - Coach Allen (reiss.allen@k12.dc.gov)
Flag Football - Coach Duvall (ryan.duvall@k12.dc.gov)
Golf - Coach Duvall (ryan.duvall@k12.dc.gov)
Softball - Coach Zinzarella (christopher.Zinzarel1@k12.dc.gov)
Stunt - Coach Wright (dioonewright02@gmail.com)
Outdoor Track - Coach Pinto or Coach Robinson (miguel.pinto@k12.dc.gov or markblaytonrobinson@gmail.com)
Tennis - Claire Riesenberg (claire.riesenberg@k12.dc.gov)
Wrestling - Kenrry Alvarado (kenrry.alvarado@k12.dc.gov)

Desmond Alexander, CAA
Athletic Directo.  
Columbia Heights Educational Campus
Bell/Lincoln Multicultural Schools

(202)939-7700 Ext: 5207 (office)
(202)576-9147 (fax)

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